

Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 20 of 403
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    José Celestino Mutis y la Expedición Botánica en el Tolima.
    (Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, 2024) Valdés, Cecilia Correa
    José Celestino Mutis y la Expedición Botánica en el Tolima es una deliciosa descripción de la huella que dejó el sacerdote en las tierras del bambuco, tras casi 14 años, tiempo que le valió para no sólo instalar una escuela de pintores y dejarse encantar por la minería, sino para sumergirse en la naturaleza e identificar miles de especies vegetales y algunas especies animales. El número de descripciones que realizó, entre 1760 y 1783, asciende a 256 (Amaya, 2005), cifra semejante a las realizadas como director oficial de la expedición (258 descripciones).
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    Rexistencia de comunidades afrodescendientes Nortecaucanas : Organizaciones sociales frente al capitalismo agrario y extractivo.
    (Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, 2023) Uribe Castro, Hernando
    En este libro, Uribe recrea cómo se ha consolidado la vida social del Norte del Cauca, en una transición de la colonia a la hacienda, con una mano de obra esclavizada, jornalera y, hoy podría decirse, emancipada y rexistente. En esta obra se presenta una aproximación a una realidad social compleja, cuyo tratamiento permite comprender que los procesos de industrialización del Cauca y del Valle del Cauca han ignorado los procesos comunitarios de sus pobladores y se han robustecido a costa del bienestar y de la dignidad de los pueblos afronortecaucanos que, a pesar de los abusos del poder y de las presiones económicas, aún resisten y rexisten.
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    Post-Pandemic Financial Literacy in social media: How microblog posts reflect Ctizens’ Opinions about Taxes
    (Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, 2023) Berdasco-Gancedo, Yolanda
    The global pandemic has been used to justify many public policy decisions, including those concerning the economy and public spending. Making payments with taxpayers’ money for public health and social welfare is understandable, as long as it is done to address a global emergency. However, once the disease data gives way to a stable state, it is necessary to understand how the public evaluates the management of tax revenue and analyze the impressions communicated about taxes, the tax system, and spending. To this end, a highly qualitative methodology based on critical discourse analysis was used to study messages posted on Twitter (now X) in August and September 2022. The results will confirm whether economic knowledge is still as limited in digital media and social networks as in traditional media.
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    Introduction Media and Information Literacy as a Public Good.
    (Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, 2023) Jaakkola, Maarit; Durán-Becerra, Tomás
    The theme of the 2021 edition of the Global Media and Information Literacy Week was “media and information literacy for the public good” (UNESCO, 2021b). The Republic of South Africa hosted the theme week to uphold the vision of information as a public good in the context of a new post-COVID normality (UNESCO, 2021a). In times of multiple crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, disinformation and information warfare, and in an era where the free flow of information is increasingly controlled and constrained, it is essential to discuss how good efforts of the humankind, such as democracy, freedom of speech, and MIL, can be saved as a public good, for the common good. The concern about MIL as a public good is dependent on appropriate structures for viable media that can sustain quality content, as well as accountability and public trust, and on citizens who can assess, nurture, and appreciate these (UNESCO, 2022). The Windhoek 30+ Declaration on Information as a Public Good (UNESCO, 2021d), which was announced at the World Press Freedom Day 2021 conference in Namibia, identified several factors as prerequisites for guaranteeing information as a public good that would “serve as a shared resource for the whole of humanity” (ibid., 4), including press freedom, media independence, plurality and viability, transparency of digital platforms, and citizens empowered by media and information literacy (MIL).
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    Jóvenes en línea. Ciudadanía digital en niños, niñas y jóvenes de la generación Z en Colombia.
    (Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, 2024) Durán Becerra, Tomás; Ortiz Rubio, Johan; Villada, Juan David; Castañeda, Juan Gabriel; Méndez, Andrés Felipe; Hernández Vásquez, Luis Javier; Acero Pulgarín, Sandra; González Gil, Natalia
    La siguiente investigación brinda una caracterización de hábitos y habilidades en el consumo y análisis crítico de la información en línea de niñas, niños y jóvenes colombianos de entre 10 y 18 años. Conocer cuáles son sus hábitos y el nivel de desarrollo de sus habilidades y capacidades en el mundo digital es fundamental para crear planes y programas a distintos niveles que permitan fortalecer las condiciones necesarias para el ejercicio ético y responsable de la ciudadanía en los entornos digitales.
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    Jóvenes en línea. Ciudadanía digital en niños, niñas y jóvenes de la generación Z en Colombia. Investigación Extendida.
    (Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, 2024-06-24) Durán Becerra, Tomás; Ortiz Rubio, Johan; Villada, Juan David; Castañeda, Juan Gabriel; Méndez, Andrés Felipe; Hernández Vásquez, Luis Javier; Acero, Sandra; González Gil, Natalia
    La siguiente investigación se enmarca en una caracterización de hábitos y habilidades en el consumo y análisis crítico de la información en línea de niñas, niños y jóvenes colombianos de entre 10 y 18 años con el apoyo técnico y financiero de la Fundación CIVIX Colombia, en el marco del programa "Acción Cívica contra la Desinformación", financiado por el Servicio de Instrumentos de Política Exterior (FPI) de la Unión Europea.
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    Ecología Vegetal.
    (Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, 2024) Jaramillo Cuartas, Diego
    Este libro es una invitación al cuidado de la tierra, desde la comprensión de la Ecología como cuidado de la casa común; como lo dice el padre Diego Jaramillo, CJM en las páginas de esta obra “el amor con que tratamos a toda la Creación y el deseo de conocer y proteger los diversos elementos de la naturaleza, así sean inanimados, como los gases de la atmósfera o los minerales que pueda haber en los astros, en la corteza terrestre o en el agua de nuestras nubes, mares o ríos. Pero también se encuentran en nuestro hábitat terreno, multitud de seres vivos, en una increíble biodiversidad de vegetales y animales y, por supuesto, la hermosa familia humana, y de todos ellos también nos hemos de ocupar”.
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    Graphic Design and Visual Creation: The flipped classroom in remote learning in academic journalism education.
    (Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, 2023) Bianchini Ferreira Pedrini, Jociene Carla; Domingos de Almeida, Cristóvão; Dallaqua Pedrini, Igor Aparecido
    This article presents a case study exploring the remote learning experience of the Graphic Planning and Visual Creation classes of a journalism course offered at the Araguaia Campus of Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Brazil. This study focused on the second semester of 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic, when the active learning methodology of the flipped classroom was employed in these classes. Using a qualitative and descriptive approach, we analyze the experience of teaching practical subjects — normally taught in person in university labs using specific software programs — in a remote setting without hampering the teaching–learning process. In this case study, the students and professors used Canva as an innovative learning method to effectively create high-quality advertising and journalistic works.
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    Media and information literacy in Colombian teacher education: Insights from Implementing the UNESCO MIL Curriculum
    (Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, 2023) Durán-Becerra, Tomás; Payán-Durán, Luisa; Machuca-Téllez, Gerardo; Castillo Rodríguez, Cristian
    Colombia has reached a level of maturity concerning the establishment of enabling technologies. Nevertheless, the country’s educational system has yet to achieve consistent and widespread quality across the entire national territory. Evident disparities exist in academic achievements among secondary school students in urban versus rural areas and between the official and nonofficial sectors. However, this study reveals that the country possesses contextual conditions conducive to advancing media and information literacy (MIL). These conditions stem from advancements in technological infrastructure and the alignment of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) MIL curriculum learning outcomes for teachers with both the interests and content of the national curriculum and the curricula implemented by the schools studied. This study introduces the initial stages of piloting the UNESCO MIL curriculum across 23 schools in Colombia, marking the initial strides toward developing an MIL policy for the country.
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    “Controlling borders – not vaccination status”: Teaching about “Fake news” and Human Rights across the Curriculum.
    (Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, 2023) Dedecek Gertz, Helena; Gerwers, Franziska; Melo–Pfeifer, Sílvia
    In this chapter, we present research based on the empirical analysis of “fake news” (“FN”), which is aimed at discussing its pedagogical strengths when used as classroom resources. We focus on “FN” related to COVID-19 and migrants. Our project aims at combating, first, the spread of disinformation and misinformation on COVID-19, which causes harm to public health, and, second, the proliferation of othering and hate discourse in media outlets, which is detrimental to human rights. Understanding schools as capacity-building structures, we claim that pedagogical practices based on a content, discursive, and multimedia analysis of “FN” can strengthen the development of media and information literacy (MIL) across the curriculum. After a literature review, we present the most common discursive and multimodal strategies used to establish a misleading connection between migrants and COVID-19 and provoke negative emotional reactions in the audience. Thereafter, we discuss how to turn these findings into pedagogical approaches with the potential to go beyond the identification of “FN” characteristics and linguistic deconstruction to embrace more holistic perspectives based on critical discourse and multimodal analysis.
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    Exploring children’s ability to employ media and information literacy assessments: Insights from the podcast kids talk media.
    (Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, 2023) Hope Culver, Sherri
    This article reflects on my professional practice in producing and hosting the podcast series Kids Talk Media ( The podcast explores children’s understanding of the influence of media on their lives using a unique interpersonal approach. During each podcast, two best friends discuss these issues with an adult host, myself. The host guides the discussion, but the topics, insights, concerns, and transgressions shared are driven by the children. More than 20 episodes have been produced with the release of new episodes ongoing. A few of the children interviewed convey a clear understanding of digital media and media and information literacy (MIL), and their comments demonstrate that they bring a critical lens to their consumption of media, including social media, video games, and even personal digital assistants such as Alexa. Other interviewees consume media without understanding, adult guidance, and concern for privacy or mental health. This article introduces readers to specific episodes and uses the children’s utterances to demonstrate how MIL is helping them navigate their digital world, or how its omission is enabling them to blindly engage with media that affects their self-image, friendships, education, and future. This chapter will help teachers, practitioners, and other individuals developing MIL interventions for children to thoughtfully consider the extent of children’s understanding of MIL and how to best empower their positive use of media.
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    New instructional formats for media literacy education: A retrospective analysis of projects based on gamification, exploration, and multiformats.
    (Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, 2023) Tejedo, Santiago; Cervi, Laura; Pulido, Cristina; Tayie, Sally
    The challenge of fostering media and information literacy (MIL) is particularly significant in a society marked by the accelerated growth of fake news, digital noise, and information overload. This challenge is compounded by the new generation’s particular experience and use of media, platforms, and content. Therefore, it is crucial to promote new projects and initiatives that reinvent educational dynamics, types of content, and the role of young people. This chapter presents a comparative analysis of six MIL projects conducted by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) in Spain over the last 10 years, which combine gamification, experiential learning, and multimedia messages, to encourage young people to look at media critically. These initiatives have resulted from national and international calls and/or have been awarded different prizes and recognition in the fields of communication and education. The comparison of these six cases highlights young users’ recognition and persuasive capacity of learning dynamics based on escape rooms, educational video games, projectbased learning, exploration, and storytelling. The study concludes that MIL education requires increasingly innovative and unconventional proposals adapted to new media and platforms. It is crucial to develop these in collaborative lines of research between academia, the media, and other industry players.
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    Media literacy in moroccan schools: An analysis of student awareness, teacher understandings and textbook content.
    (Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, 2023) Mliless, Mohamed; Boulaid, Fouad
    This study examines the state of media literacy in Morocco by employing a multimethod approach. To that end, we used a questionnaire to assess students’ (N = 700) awareness of the media literacy, an interview to gather teachers’ (N = 40) perspectives on the concept of media literacy in the educational domain, and content analysis to examine the concept’s availability in textbooks (N = 28) used to teach Arabic, French, and English in primary, middle and high schools. The results show that students know little about the concept, are not well-versed in media literacy, and use various media outlets without being critically briefed on their risks. Meanwhile, teachers recognize the importance of media literacy in assisting students in deconstructing media messages and identifying fake news and misinformation. To be successful in teaching media literacy, teachers postulate that they need to be well-trained and develop a professional attitude to media literacy in order to ensure a coherent and efficient implementation of the concept, and for this, they call for pedagogical materials. The results show that the pedagogical resources under study did not include courses, activities, or separate units on media literacy. Instead, the pedagogical material contained isolated and relegated lessons on the functions and effects of media and information technologies. We believe that three obstacles prevent media literacy integration in Morocco: students’ lack of awareness, teachers’ lack of professional development, and insufficient school pedagogical support. In sum, this study provides an opportunity to
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    Opportunistic media and information literacy: A case study of the implementation of E-Commerce in the food retail sector in Italy.
    (Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, 2023) Fontefrancesco, Michele Filippo
    Based on a case study conducted in Italy in 2021, this case study examines the process of media and information literacy (MIL) in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the transformation of entrepreneurial culture among practitioners. It focuses on the transformation of the food retail sector that occurred during the first and second coronavirus lockdowns in Bra, a city in northwest Italy famous for its food culture. By examining the pattern related to the use of digital resources in the city food retail sector, this study shows that the acquisition of MIL in the spring of 2020 did not lead to a structural change in the local firms’ entrepreneurial culture. Thus, this longitudinal analysis shows an opportunistic approach toward MIL that contextualized it as a resource only for emergencies. Thus, it clarifies the aspects of the entrepreneurial culture that delay deeper implementation and understanding of MIL.
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    Transforming university students into library users: Influence of user-education programmes on the information and study skills of first-year students in South Africa.
    (Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, 2023) Petrus Chiya, Katlego; Bosire Onyancha, Omwoyo
    The study aimed to examine the influence of user-education programmes on the information and study skills and competencies of first-year students at North–West University, Vaal Triangle Campus (VTC), in South Africa. The study adopted a quantitative approach and employed the case study method. The respondents consisted of 1,885 first-year students across two faculties with a sample size of 320, which were selected using the systematic sampling technique. The self-developed questionnaire was then distributed among the respondents. Out of 320, 266 students responded to the questionnaire, which produced a good response rate of 83%. The collected data were analysed using frequency and percentages and presented in tables and charts. The results revealed that a substantive number of first-year students never attended training on library use, including high school, public, college or any other academic libraries, prior to their arrival at the university. However, after attending the user-education programmes, they became independent users of the library and its resources, which was of great importance to lifelong learning and, thus, increased the usefulness of the library.
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    Capturing the contours of the field of media and information literacy (MIL) Research: A systematic literature review of Studies Conducted at Swedish Universities in 2021.
    (Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, 2023) Jaakkola, Maarit
    This chapter attempts to answer a commonplace question posed by authorities and practitioners seeking information on media and information literacy (MIL): What is MIL research, and, consequently, where can it be found? After the Swedish government formed a national network of MIL stakeholders in the public sector in the country with a common vision to strengthen policy work, it has become a crucial question how to identify and access the field of MIL research. The current study presents the results from a systematic literature review of scientific studies published in 2021 to identify the disciplinary structures of the research most relevant to MIL. The findings indicated that most of the relevant extant research was qualitative, conducted by women, written in English to an international audience, and focused on educational sciences, library and information science, and media and communication sciences. Student theses tended to adopt the policy-initiated concept of MIL more likely than original research papers. While the article probes whether the term MIL translates appropriately into scholarly literature, it also highlights the significance of establishing structures to further monitor related research projects and identify changes in research.
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    Do fake news catch our attention? A study of visual attention applied to the consumption of fake news about COVID-19 in Brazil.
    (Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, 2023) Rógora Kawano, Diogo; Nunes Severino, Tiago
    The development of technologies aimed at people’s daily communication allows for greater access to information. However, much of this content is the result of disinformation campaigns. Despite efforts to combat fake news, how people read content to identify false messages and make decisions is still not well understood. This study aims to use eye-tracking technology to identify and understand differences in the reading patterns of fake news and real/authentic news sources. Therefore, an experiment was conducted with 23 participants, who had their ocular behavior data measured while watching two types of content in the Brazilian scenario: real news and artificially produced news (fake news). The main results suggest differences and similarities in the way that people read and pay attention to content elements, such as headlines, main text, images, and news sources. The importance of using eye tracking in new studies aimed at combating disinformation is verified.
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    Combating fake news: How increased media competences can curb disinformation trends in Nigeria.
    (Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, 2023) Onyemechi Okocha, Desmond; Akpe, Samuel; Rukevwe, Idonor Emmanuella; Odeba, Ben Ita
    This study examined how Nigerians understood fake news. It took a qualitative approach, conducting in-depth interviews with 30 journalists to determine their understanding of fake news and explore how media literacy can help combat fake news. The sample was purportedly drawn from Nigeria’s six geopolitical zones to ensure representativeness. Gatekeeping Theory and Public Sphere Theory were used to better understand how journalists use their professional role of vetting information and releasing only credible information to the public. The analyzed data show that social networks facilitate the spread of false news more than mainstream media. The findings also show that fake news spreads due to factors such as time constraints, clickbait, user-generated content, and competitiveness.
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    Science literacy in the age of disinformation: Building bridges to address the complexity of the challenge.
    (Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, 2023) Dos Santos Silva, Erasmo Moises; Arroio, Agnaldo
    Science education and media and information literacy (MIL) significantly contribute to the current landscape of contested knowledge surrounding science and scientists, as evidenced by movements against COVID-19 health protocols. Nonetheless, a broader view than that typically portrayed of complexity is required. This chapter aims to offer recommendations to avoid counter-productive approaches based on problematic assumptions, such as considering all types of untrustworthy information as fake news. Thus, this chapter aims to problematize views about the information disorder phenomenon in the context of natural science in Brazil by providing a complex and coherent vision of the issue in the context of natural science educators and education.
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    Media and information literacy as a strategic guideline toward civic resilience: Baltic–Nordic lessons.
    (Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO, 2023) Balčytienė, Auksė; Juraitė, Kristina
    The chapter informs about the increasing necessity for media and information literacy (MIL) to act as a strategic guideline toward civic resilience against the detrimental effects of digital transformation in Baltic and Nordic countries. Despite evident differences between the two regions, similarities are noted among countries in terms of the urgency of requests to adequately respond to information disruption such as information manipulation and the influx of disinformation. Nordic countries exhibit a progressive outlook on MIL with well-established institutionalized media education programs and a commitment to regularly assess and adjust MIL objectives in response to evolving digital landscapes and their flaws. However, concern is increasing about the economic and business challenges faced by conventional news media on the one hand and public trust in media on the other hand.