Análisis de los imaginarios dualistas amigo/enemigo de los exintegrantes del Mecanismo de Monitoreo y Verificación de la Policía Nacional de Colombia y excombatientes de las FARC, en el marco del proceso de paz colombiano
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO
Tesis de Maestría
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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
Básicamente lo que pretende esta investigación es analizar el dualismo amigo-enemigo entre los exintegrantes del Mecanismo de Monitoreo y Verificación de la Policía Nacional y los excombatientes de las Farc, en el marco del proceso de paz, donde a través de un análisis de narrativas, pretendo dar a conocer la experiencia social de un grupo de personas que participaron en este proceso, desde diferentes responsabilidades, donde se hace hincapié en los procesos de transición en clave de los imaginarios sociales, cuencos culturales, dualismo amigo/enemigo y puntos de fuga. De igual forma, el lector encontrará un contexto del porque el Gobierno de Juan Manuel Santos Calderón, dio paso a la creación del Mecanismo de Monitoreo y Verificación a través del Acuerdo Final de Paz, con el ánimo de comprender la génesis y el desarrollo a través de las experiencias tanto de los policías como de los excombatientes en el desarrollo de la misionalidad del tripartito. Así como, la conceptualización de los imaginarios culturales en clave de referente culturales, políticos y sociales, el dualismo amigo/enemigo y puntos de fuga. El capítulo de análisis de resultados encontrará una crónica donde se tejen las 6 voces de los participantes entrevistados, a partir de la experiencia personal de la autora, dando un contexto particular y general del proceso de paz, hilando al detalle de experiencias que marcaron la percepción, prejuicios y formas de habitar de cada uno de los hombres y mujeres que hicieron parte de esta experiencia.
Basically, the purpose of this research is to analyze the friend-enemy dualism between former members of the Monitoring and Verification Mechanism of the National Police and former combatants of the FARC, in the framework of the peace process, where through an analysis of narratives, I intend to make known the social experience of a group of people who participated in this process, from different responsibilities, where emphasis is placed on the transition processes in the key of social imaginaries, cultural basins, friend/enemy dualism and vanishing pontos. Likewise, the reader will find a context of why the Government of Juan Manuel Santos Calderón gave way to the creation of the Monitoring and Verification Mechanism through the Final Peace Agreement, with the aim of understanding the genesis and development through the experiences of both police officers and ex-combatants in the development of the tripartite mission. As well as the conceptualization of cultural imaginaries in terms of cultural, political, and social referents, the friend/enemy dualism and vanishing points. The chapter of analysis of results will find a chronicle where the 6 voices of the interviewed participants are woven, from the personal experience of the author, giving a particular and general context of the peace process, spinning to the detail of experiences that marked the perception, prejudices, and ways of living of each one of the men and women who were part of this experience.
Basically, the purpose of this research is to analyze the friend-enemy dualism between former members of the Monitoring and Verification Mechanism of the National Police and former combatants of the FARC, in the framework of the peace process, where through an analysis of narratives, I intend to make known the social experience of a group of people who participated in this process, from different responsibilities, where emphasis is placed on the transition processes in the key of social imaginaries, cultural basins, friend/enemy dualism and vanishing pontos. Likewise, the reader will find a context of why the Government of Juan Manuel Santos Calderón gave way to the creation of the Monitoring and Verification Mechanism through the Final Peace Agreement, with the aim of understanding the genesis and development through the experiences of both police officers and ex-combatants in the development of the tripartite mission. As well as the conceptualization of cultural imaginaries in terms of cultural, political, and social referents, the friend/enemy dualism and vanishing points. The chapter of analysis of results will find a chronicle where the 6 voices of the interviewed participants are woven, from the personal experience of the author, giving a particular and general context of the peace process, spinning to the detail of experiences that marked the perception, prejudices, and ways of living of each one of the men and women who were part of this experience.
Identificar y analizar los imaginarios sociales en clave del dualismo amigo-enemigo de tres exintegrantes del Mecanismo de Monitoreo y Verificación de la Policía Nacional y de tres excombatientes de las Farc
Dualismo amigo/enemigo, Imaginarios sociales, Puntos de fuga, Friend, Enemy, Dualism, Social Imaginaries