Actividad física: un aporte para el tratamiento de la depresión.
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Hoyos Cifuentes, John Dairo
Prada Arévalo, Mauricio
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO
Actividad física: un aporte para el tratamiento
de la depresión busca contribuir al conocimiento existente sobre la actividad física y su aporte
al tratamiento de la depresión. Inicialmente,
se presentan las bases conceptuales sobre
la actividad física, considerada por expertos
como una alternativa favorable para el cuidado de la salud humana. A continuación, se
hace una aproximación a la naturaleza de la
depresión, un estado que reduce la salud de las
personas en todo el mundo. Posteriormente,
se analizan conceptos preliminares sobre la
relación entre actividad física y depresión.
Luego se presentan algunos resultados de
investigaciones sobre actividad física y depresión con el fin de que la comunidad académica
disponga de bases teóricas relacionadas con
la manera en que la actividad física puede
contrarrestar los efectos producidos por la
depresión. Finalmente, se presentan algunos
ejercicios basados en técnicas de relajación
con los que se busca que el lector encuentre
diferentes alternativas favorables para hacer
frente a estados depresivos.
Actividad física: un aporte para el tratamiento de la depresión seeks to contribute to the existing knowledge on physical activity and its contribution to the treatment of depression. Initially, the conceptual basis of physical activity, considered by experts as a favorable alternative for the care of human health, is presented. This is followed by an approach to the nature of depression, a condition that reduces the health of people worldwide. Subsequently, preliminary concepts on the relationship between physical activity and depression are discussed. Then, some research results on physical activity and depression are presented in order to provide the academic community with a theoretical basis related to the way in which physical activity can counteract the effects produced by depression. Finally, some exercises based on relaxation techniques are presented in order to help the reader to find different favorable alternatives to cope with depressive states.
Actividad física: un aporte para el tratamiento de la depresión seeks to contribute to the existing knowledge on physical activity and its contribution to the treatment of depression. Initially, the conceptual basis of physical activity, considered by experts as a favorable alternative for the care of human health, is presented. This is followed by an approach to the nature of depression, a condition that reduces the health of people worldwide. Subsequently, preliminary concepts on the relationship between physical activity and depression are discussed. Then, some research results on physical activity and depression are presented in order to provide the academic community with a theoretical basis related to the way in which physical activity can counteract the effects produced by depression. Finally, some exercises based on relaxation techniques are presented in order to help the reader to find different favorable alternatives to cope with depressive states.
Libro completo
Actividad física, Depresión, Salud, Técnicas de relajación, Ttratamiento de la depresión, Physical activity, Depression, Health