Relación entre el tipo de innovación en servicio en las micro y pequeñas empresas restauranteras formalmente constituidas del municipio Yumbo Valle Colombia, con el comportamiento de sus factores específicos determinantes de supervivencia empresarial, durante el año 2022.
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Rojas Coronado, Liliana
Muñoz Bonilla, Hugo Alejandro
Menassa Garrido, Ishtar Sofía
Barrera Lievano, Jhony Alexander
Espinosa Rodríguez, Miguel Alejandro
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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
Esta investigación analiza diferentes escenarios de tipologías de innovación empresarial presentes
en las Micro y Pequeñas Empresas (Mypes) del sector restaurantes, con el objetivo de comprender la
relación que se pueda evidenciar con respecto a sus Factores Específicos Determinates de Supervivencia
Empresarial (FEDSE), para lo cual se recurre a un estudio de caso en Yumbo – Valle, Colombia, durante
el año 2022, en el propósito de recabar evidencia que permita identificar la relación. Dentro de los resultados
más relevantes se obtiene que al analizar la relación a partir de la evidencia de innovación de manera
agrupada, existe una relación espuria. Sin embargo, al analizar la tipología de innovación predominante en
la población objeto de estudio, con el FEDSE predominante, hay evidencia de una relación determinada
por un Chi-cuadrado de 16.504, que se puede interpretar de nivel moderado dado que Fe>20%,
donde los coeficientes de V-Cramer y de contingencia están entre el rango entre .4 y .7; siendo
aceptable la consideración dada a partir del tamaño del efecto (1 – β) que es superior a 0.5 y la
potencia estadística W > .80 de consideración grande o aceptable. Se evidencia una relación
compleja entre las variables mediante el tratamiento de Modelo de Ecuaciones Estructurales
(SEM). La implicación social de lo concluido, está en que el resultado permite impactar las formas
de gerencia de proyectos en la Mypes Sugiriéndose que quien proyecte acciones innovadoras en
un restaurante debe considerar los beneficios de desarrollar infraestructura como base de las
garantías inmobiliarias y generar empleo estable.
This research analyzes different scenarios of business innovation typologies present in Micro and Small Enterprises (Mypes) in the restaurant sector, with the aim of understanding the relationship that can be evidenced with respect to their Specific Factors Determined for Business Survival (FEDSE), to which is used in a case study in Yumbo - Valle, Colombia, during the year 2022, in order to gather evidence that allows identifying the relationship. Among the most relevant results, it is obtained that when analyzing the relationship from the evidence of innovation in a grouped way, there is a spurious relationship. However, when analyzing the predominant type of innovation in the population under study, with the predominant FEDSE, there is evidence of a relationship determined by a Chi-square of 16,504, which can be interpreted as a moderate level given that Fe>20%, where the V-Cramer and contingency coefficients are between the range between .4 and .7; being acceptable the consideration given from the size of the effect (1 – β) that is greater than 0.5 and the statistical power W > .80 of great or acceptable consideration. A complex relationship between the variables is evidenced by the treatment of the Structural Equation Model (SEM). The social implication of what has been concluded is that the result allows an impact on the forms of project management in Mypes, suggesting that whoever plans innovative actions in a restaurant should consider the benefits of developing infrastructure as the basis of real estate guarantees and generating stable employment.
This research analyzes different scenarios of business innovation typologies present in Micro and Small Enterprises (Mypes) in the restaurant sector, with the aim of understanding the relationship that can be evidenced with respect to their Specific Factors Determined for Business Survival (FEDSE), to which is used in a case study in Yumbo - Valle, Colombia, during the year 2022, in order to gather evidence that allows identifying the relationship. Among the most relevant results, it is obtained that when analyzing the relationship from the evidence of innovation in a grouped way, there is a spurious relationship. However, when analyzing the predominant type of innovation in the population under study, with the predominant FEDSE, there is evidence of a relationship determined by a Chi-square of 16,504, which can be interpreted as a moderate level given that Fe>20%, where the V-Cramer and contingency coefficients are between the range between .4 and .7; being acceptable the consideration given from the size of the effect (1 – β) that is greater than 0.5 and the statistical power W > .80 of great or acceptable consideration. A complex relationship between the variables is evidenced by the treatment of the Structural Equation Model (SEM). The social implication of what has been concluded is that the result allows an impact on the forms of project management in Mypes, suggesting that whoever plans innovative actions in a restaurant should consider the benefits of developing infrastructure as the basis of real estate guarantees and generating stable employment.
Determinar la relación entre el tipo de innovación en servicio en las micro y pequeñas
empresas restauranteras formalmente constituidas del municipio Yumbo Valle Colombia con el
comportamiento de sus factores específicos determinantes de supervivencia empresarial durante
el año 2022
Pequeña empresa, Innovaciones, Modelos matemáticos, Quiebra, Small business, Innovations, Mathematical models, Bankruptcy