Inclusión & Desarrollo Collection home page

Inclusión y Desarrollo es una revista científica, interdisciplinar, arbitrada, de acceso abierto, con divulgación electrónica y editada semestralmente * (edición continua *) por la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios.

La revista tiene por objetivo fomentar el debate académico internacional que permita construir el conocimiento y mejorar la comprensión de los procesos de inclusión como parte esencial de los diferentes movimientos del desarrollo humano. Su interés es divulgar estudios sobre exclusión, participación y búsqueda de alternativas de acceso a las oportunidades del mundo moderno, por parte de las poblaciones, grupos o individuos, que, por diferentes criterios (educación, género, raza, edad, religión, discapacidad), han experimentado algún tipo de marginalidad.

La Revista “Inclusión y Desarrollo” recibe diferentes tipos de contribución: artículos de investigación, análisis teórico, estados del arte, desarrollo de software o aplicaciones, estudios sobre políticas públicas.

Creative Commons License

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 123
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-The relationship of development of public private partnerships (ppps) in higher education a holistic approach-
-Identification of educational programs for older adults, in universities of medellin – Colombia-
-Myths in front of the open publication of science-
-Learning english language subtitles presented in audiovisual media-mediated-
-Deficiency of acquisition of minimum skills in students of software development:-
-Rituals of death, cancer and support systems-
-The abacus closed as a pedagogical mediation in the construction of multiplication and division operations in the third degree of official educational institutions-
-Intellectual disability and quality of life evaluation scale-
-Inclusive educational practices from universal design for learning and individual plan of reasonable adjustment-
-Child job as a challenge of educative inclusion, from social representations of school:-
-Translation project from the Firefox browser to the nasa language:-
-Assisted education with dogs:-
-Disability and quality of life in the adult population of Soledad, Atlántico – Colombia-
-Design of safe routes as an alternative of intervention to public risk for the teachers of public and private sector schools of the Ciudad Bolívar-
-Reflections on college virtual counseling in Colombia-
-Attitudes toward disability in higher education-
-Styles of teaching and development of investigative competences in higher education-
-The scientistic sense of “research” from the positivism of Auguste comte-
-Ethics in Plato and Moore:-
-The Scratch as a didactic strategy to develop the exploration of the environment in early education - Phase I and II –-
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 123