Saberes ancestrales, La historia de vida de un pescador afrocolombiano.

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Granja Velasco, Liced


Leidy Johana Viera Gutierrez
Leidy Johana Viera Gutierrez


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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO.




Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia


Los saberes ancestrales en Colombia fueron declarados en el año 2019 por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO) como Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad, reconociendo así la importancia de los mismos frente a las expresiones culturales de la comunidad afrodescendiente, las practicas productivas, y sobre la transmisión de estos saberes de generación en generación. Este reconocimiento busca contribuir a la valoración y promoción de las prácticas productivas y expresiones culturales, entendidas como actos de resistencia y resiliencia debido a la larga historia de violencia que la comunidad afrodescendiente ha soportado a lo largo de los años. Es por ello que este trabajo de investigación se centró en conocer los saberes ancestrales de la comunidad afrodescendiente y las prácticas de producción en el corregimiento de Guabas, municipio de Guacarí desde la historia de vida de un pescador afro. Se desarrolló una estrategia metodológica teniendo como eje central la historia de vida, y usando técnicas como la entrevista no estructurada y la entrevista etnográfica. El principal hallazgo muestra como los saberes ancestrales han sobrevivido al mestizaje cultural, y que, aunque se hayan visto permeados por otras culturas, conservan su esencia desde el amor a la naturaleza y territorio.
Ancestral knowledge in Colombia was declared in 2019 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, thus recognizing the importance of the cultural expressions of the Afro-descendant community, productive practices, and the transmission of this knowledge from generation to generation. This recognition seeks to contribute to the valuation and promotion of productive practices and cultural expressions, understood as acts of resistance and resilience due to the long history of violence that the Afro-descendant community has endured over the years. That is why this research work focused on knowing the ancestral knowledge of the afrodescendant community and the production practices in the village of Guabas, municipality of Guacari from the life history of an afro fisherman. A methodological strategy was developed with the life history as the central axis, and using techniques such as the unstructured interview and the ethnographic interview. The main finding shows how ancestral knowledge has survived cultural miscegenation, and that, although it has been permeated by other cultures, it preserves its essence from the love of nature and territory
Ancestral knowledge in Colombia was declared in 2019 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, thus recognizing the importance of the cultural expressions of the Afro-descendant community, productive practices, and the transmission of this knowledge from generation to generation. This recognition seeks to contribute to the valuation and promotion of productive practices and cultural expressions, understood as acts of resistance and resilience due to the long history of violence that the Afro-descendant community has endured over the years. That is why this research work focused on knowing the ancestral knowledge of the afrodescendant community and the production practices in the village of Guabas, municipality of Guacari from the life history of an afro fisherman. A methodological strategy was developed with the life history as the central axis, and using techniques such as the unstructured interview and the ethnographic interview. The main finding shows how ancestral knowledge has survived cultural miscegenation, and that, although it has been permeated by other cultures, it preserves its essence from the love of nature and territory.


Entender el significado de los saberes ancestrales de la comunidad afrodescendiente en las prácticas de producción de un pescador afro del corregimiento de Guabas, municipio de Guacarí.


Saberes Ancestrales, Prácticas Productivas, Afrocolombianos, Cultura, Ancestral Knowledge, Productive Practices, Afro-Colombians, Culture., Ancestral Knowledge, Productive Practices, Afro-Colombians, Culture
