La consulta popular en Tauramena, Casanare. “Yo estoy dispuesto a sudar petróleo en defensa del agua”.
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Arias Perales, Ildefonso
Contreras Castillo, Alejandro
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO
Book chapter
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
La consulta popular llevada a cabo en el municipio de Tauramena en el departamento del Casanare, se sitúa en el conflicto socioambiental originado por la adjudicación de un bloque de exploración sísmica a la empresa Ecopetrol por parte de la Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos (ANH), el cual se denominaba “Área adicional
de exploración sísmica Odisea 3D”. La actividad de explotación petrolera se desarrollaría en un
área que afectaba las zonas de recarga hídrica de este municipio y otros como Aguazul, Recetor,
Chámeza y Monterrey, ubicados en el pie de monte llanero.
The case of the popular consultation of the municipality of Tauramena in the department of Casanare, is situated in the socio-environmental conflict originated by the award of a seismic exploration block to the Ecopetrol company by the National Hydrocarbons Agency (ANH), which it was called the “Odyssey 3D Seismic Exploration Additional Area”. The oil exploitation activity would take place in an area that affected the water recharge zones of this municipality and others such as Aguazul, Recetor, Chámeza and Monterrey, located in the foothills of the plain.
The case of the popular consultation of the municipality of Tauramena in the department of Casanare, is situated in the socio-environmental conflict originated by the award of a seismic exploration block to the Ecopetrol company by the National Hydrocarbons Agency (ANH), which it was called the “Odyssey 3D Seismic Exploration Additional Area”. The oil exploitation activity would take place in an area that affected the water recharge zones of this municipality and others such as Aguazul, Recetor, Chámeza and Monterrey, located in the foothills of the plain.
Capítulo completo en acceso abierto.
Consulta popular, Explotación petrolera, Emisora, Repertorios comunicacionales, Comité por la defensa del agua, Popular consultation, Committee for the defense of water, Oil exploitation, Radio station, Communicative repertoires