Licenciatura en Idioma Extranjero - Inglés
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Item Pictograms as an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Model to Promote Oral Communication in an Autistic Child in Spanish(Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, 2022-12-07) Saravia Arguelles, Leidy Angelica; Herrera Mateus, CatalinaThis work is a proposal to design a lesson plan based on the method of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). The purpose is to help a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The lesson plan has features such as executive functions and pictograms. The lesson plan goal is to help regular students and students with special needs increase their vocabulary or recover it.Item Transforming The Traditional Paradigm In Teaching English As A Foreign Language At Take A Trip Practicum, The Necessity Of Innovating(Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, 2022-06-13) Ortiz Paloma, Laura Paola; Manrique Sánchez, Flor MarinaTake a Trip to the English Universe es un proyecto propuesto por la licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras en la Facultad de Educación de la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios (UNIMINUTO), el cual está enfocado en proveer un ambiente de aprendizaje creativo e innovador en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera a colaboradores de UNIMINUTO; entre ellos, es posible encontrar profesores en diversas áreas como artes, educación física, Español, pedagogía infantil, secretarias, estudiantes de posgrado y también estudiantes de diferentes programas de universidades Peruanas. En esta sistematización se pretende mostrar de manera cualitativa el impacto que pueden llegar a tener maestros que llevan a cabo procesos creativos con sus estudiantes en clases virtuales de inglés, fomentando el fortalecimiento de la autoestima, autonomía, procesos de habla y participación activa, trabajo en equipo, pensamiento crítico y trabajo colaborativo. Además, la metodología de este proyecto tuvo una transición partiendo de metodologías activas tradicionales a la implementación del Inglés como Medio de InstrucciónItem Emotional Management Of Students During The Pandemic Of The Covid-19(Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, 2022-06-10) Pérez Gil, Laura Camila; Bautista Ardila, Iván Santiago; Cely Betancourt, Blanca LucíaSe realizó un estudio cuyo propósito fue ayudar a los estudiantes del colegio Monterrey de Bogotá, Colombia a manejar correctamente sus emociones a través del uso de diarios emocionales escritos en inglés en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19 durante el año 2021. Inicialmente se aplicó el uso de diarios emocionales escritos en inglés de forma guiada y posteriormente se propició la escritura libre en uno de los grupos de estudiantes pertenecientes a la jornada de la tarde, quienes fueron expuestos a 6 sesiones de las cuales se componía el proyecto. Se utilizaron los siguientes instrumentos: encuestas como medidas de inicio y fin del proyecto, notas de campo en cada planeación de clase donde se explicaba a detalle los componentes de cada sesión, contenido y metodologías llevadas a cabo además de notas por parte de los investigadores por medio de las cuales se evaluó el proceso del proyecto y se llevó un controlItem CLAP - Collaborative Learning Among Peers(Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, 2021-12-06) Bonilla Ocampo, Luisa Fernanda; García Monroy, Daniela Fernanda; González Mahecha, Miguel Angel; Cely Betancourt, Blanca LuciaThis project promotes the creation of new academic spaces where students can learn and share their knowledge with their peers. Indeed, this document compiles the experiences of each student (early childhood education and English bachelor) that had participated, and it gathers their work. CLAP (Collaborative Learning Among Peers) corresponds to a new academic space in which students from the bachelor’s in early childhood education developed activities that motivated them to learn English, improve their language skills, use their knowledge about children methodologies in English classes and the comfort to express themselves. The project developed the following methodologies as RPT (Reciprocal peer tutoring), EMI methodology, ICLHE (Integrating content and language in higher education) and Flipped learning (inverted classroom). Furthermore, the use of those methodologies favored a better relationship between the students. Also, you will find the description step by step about how a CLAP session was, how the creation of lesson plans was about, and the evidence that we collected from students of Early Childhood Education. Hence, the analysis that was getting after this experience comprises our educational learning through relevant learning.Item “A Syllabus Proposal Based on Information and Communication Technology and the Process Approach for Teaching English Writing”.(Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, 2021-06-03) Benavides Páez, Yury Mabel; Ortiz Vergara, MariluzThe below qualitative research proposes a skill-based syllabus (Rahimpour2010) design to develop the writing skills and the learning of the writing process through the process approach and ICT (Information and Communication Technology) tool to enhance writing skills and motivated students. The syllabus proposed was based on a need analysis done to students from the 4th to 9th semesters of the Bachelor Degree in English Language Teaching at Universidad Minuto de Dios to recognize the needs, perceptions, and weaknesses of the participants regarding writing skills. The needs, perceptions, and weaknesses were identified using 3 different data collection instruments. (Documents, questionnaires, and interviews) that allowed me to categorize the findings into three categories. Afterward, the categories and subcategories decoded in the needs analysis presented proofs of regular writing skills and low motivation during the writing courses. The pieces of evidence collected were the foundation for the syllabus design that had as result the creation of twelve sessions in which the writing skills and writing process are developing.Item EFL teachers’ Perceptions about Intercultural communicative competences and their practices in English classes on the context of current migration waves in Bogotá.(Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, 2020-12-04) Santana Mahecha, Ana María; Cely Betancourt, Blanca LucíaLa visión principal de este estudio se centra en analizar la relación actual entre la enseñanza de una lengua extranjera y la enseñanza de la competencia comunicativa intercultural. Este estudio busca investigar cómo los profesores de inglés como lengua extranjera promueven la Competencia Comunicativa Intercultural para desarrollar la conciencia, la aceptación y el respeto entre miembros de otras culturas y orígenes en el contexto de las olas migratorias actuales en Bogotá. Este es un xi estudio cualitativo, realizado con veinte profesores de tres contextos educativos diferentes: un colegio privado, un instituto de idiomas y un programa de licenciatura en inglés. Los instrumentos que se consideraron fueron observaciones de clase aplicadas al inicio del estudio, entrevistas semiestructuradas aplicadas durante el estudio y un grupo focal aplicado al final del estudio. El estudio mostró que, de hecho, los docentes y profesores implementaron actividades para promover la interculturalidad; sin embargo, la CCI se considera parte de las lenguas extranjeras, descuidando la diversidad cultural entre los miembros de la misma lengua materna, es decir la cultura propia. En consecuencia, la implementación de CCI no se ha promovido con éxito en las lecciones de inglés como lengua extranjera.Item Role plays as a strategy to generate reflections about citizenship competences that allow conflict solving in an English conversation club.(Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, 2020-12-04) Herrera Gómez, Daniel Andrés; Bernal Hernández, AndreaThis research was conducted analyzing the application and knowledge about citizenship competences in skills that facilitate conflict solving in an extracurricular conversation club, through role plays representations as a pedagogical strategy that allowed interaction, dialogue and use of the communicative competence in English as foreign language. The research problem was identified initially at practicum level, where students had rude and conflictive behaviors, thus generating the interest to research about ways to create awareness about coexistence, avoiding fights and conflicts, dialoguing and being tolerant with each other, bearing in mind that the researcher was not aware that conflicts in classrooms can occur frequently, and can affect class dynamics and coexistence. Said that, the research problem was located at personal level, in a sense in which pre-service teachers might not be aware about conflicts between students, and therefore not knowing strategies and skills to facilitate solving conflictsItem La práctica reflexiva: una actividad que cambia el desempeño docente.(Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, 2020-05-28) Fonseca Parra, Juan CamiloDurante los últimos años se ha podido evidenciar que la relación entre lo que los docentes en formación y los docentes en servicio saben y lo que hacen en su práctica docente no tiene conexión alguna. Consecuentemente, este escrito resume, presenta y analiza alrededor de 20 investigaciones sobre prácticas reflexivas realizadas por docentes de inglés en formación y docentes de inglés en servicio en un contexto nacional e internacional de los últimos 20 años. Estos artículos de investigación han mostrado que la definición de la práctica reflexiva ha venido evolucionando, desde que fue mencionada por primera vez por Dewey en 1933, cuando era un concepto que solo invitaba a reflexionar en la práctica, hasta los últimos años, donde se ha venido enfocando en cada rama del conocimiento. También se puede afirmar que, de las actividades que los docentes usan para reflexionar en Europa, los portafolios son los más comunes; mientras que en Latinoamérica el uso de diarios de campo es lo más frecuente. Finalmente, la idea a la que se llegó después de leer estos artículos es que el desempeño docente de los maestros en formación y en servicio se ha mejorado después de haber aplicado este importante proceso.Item The anglophone music as a pedagogical tool for critical analysis of world history events of the Second Half of the 20th Century[1]1(Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, 2020-06-03) Moreno Riaño, Kinberlyn; Quintero Torres, Paula AndreaLa idea de aprender historia en el ambiente educativo sigue siendo una tarea de baja motivación basada en una encuesta realizada en la Universidad Minuto de Dios a 15 estudiantes del grupo de investigación RAVEN (radio voices in English) que está compuesto por estudiantes de Licenciatura en Idioma Extranjero Inglés y Comunicación Social- Periodismo. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar una revisión crítica de la literatura que se han desarrollado en la última década, para saber qué se ha investigado sobre este tema en términos del uso de canciones para enseñar materias de contenido tales como historia y métodos innovadores. Diferentes canciones anglófonas han sido una parte importante a lo largo de la historia de la segunda mitad del siglo XX que va desde 1951 hasta 2000, desde que la música se ha utilizado a través de los años para facilitar el proceso de aprendizaje. El método utilizado fue el criterio de inclusión y exclusión que se basa en establecer los límites para la revisión sistemática, en este caso, la selección de estudios que resaltan la importancia de la instrucción basada en el contenido y la pedagogía crítica. Este artículo también realiza comparaciones entre las nuevas técnicas de enseñanza.Item Foreign Language Professors: pedagogical and didactic competencies to assist college students with asperger syndrome and visual difficulties.(Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, 2020-05-08) Castro Gaona, July Viviana; Eljadue Fonseca, Elvis del RosarioEl presente proyecto es una investigación desarrollada en la Universidad Minuto de Dios, la cual surge como una preocupación en cuanto a la falta de procesos de enseñanza a estudiantes con necesidades educativas especiales, especialmente dificultades visuales y el síndrome de Asperger, mientras aprenden una lengua extranjera, en este caso inglés. El proyecto tiene como objetivo fundamental fortalecer las prácticas pedagógicas y didácticas para atender estudiantes con el síndrome de Asperger y dificultades visuales en la licenciatura en idioma extranjero inglés de la universidad Minuto de Dios. Además, esta propuesta presenta un enfoque cualitativo, con un tipo de investigación de corte descriptivo, empleando como técnicas entrevistas cualitativas y un grupo focal. Dentro de los resultados obtenidos se conoce cuántos estudiantes con necesidades educativas hay en en el programa. Por otra parte, se logró identificar que los docentes no han recibido alguna formación especial y completa para atender este tipo de población con necesidades educativas especiales, sin embargo, autónomamente buscan la manera de incluirlos en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje que se dan al interior del aula.Item Graphic visual novels impact on students’ reading comprehension skills(Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, 2020-06-03) Páez Molina, Jesús David; Concha Vargas, SebastianThe following Research implies a proposal in which students can have an impact when they interact with a series of Graphic/Visual videogame in the classroom to practice their EFL reading comprehension skills (Purposeful Reading, Skimming, Scanning). The proposal of involving students with videogames is not new as several researchers have worked with videogames inside the EFL classroom. As a result, many of the projects have had positive responses in the EFL areas they have aimed to improve. For example, some of the researches that are described in the literature review have proved that students have increased their cognitive skills when learning new vocabulary such as videogames commands when playing. Other results have demonstrated how teachers have used these tools effectively as authentic material; defined as what teachers involves in the classroom that is appropriate and have quality in terms of the meaning of English learning communication (Rogers as cited in Kilickaya, 2004).Item Including Emotional Intelligence in the Practicum Subject Syllabus at Uniminuto(Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, 2019-05-23) Hernández Moreno, Sandra Julieth; Guerrero Escobar, Javier IvánThis qualitative exploratory research study attempts to understand the importance of Emotional Intelligence for pre-service English teachers in a private university. The main objective of this study is to explore the importance of Emotional Intelligence in pre- service English teachers at Uniminuto university as they face mainly five negative emotions in their practicum field. By following an exploratory research method, three different instruments (semi structured interviews, a questionnaire, and a workshop) addressed to three different actors (the director and coordinator of the program, teachers and pre-service English teachers) were conducted in order to determine whether or not Emotional Intelligence is relevant in the formation process in the practicum pre-service teachers face.Item Desertion in the Bachelor Program in English Language Teaching at Uniminuto.(2019-05-22) Moreno Saiz, William Santiago; Chaparro Robles, Daniel Eduardo; Hoyos Ensuncho, Maryluz del CarmenCollege dropout involves discussing the causes why students desert, more precisely the need to understand the reasons why they did not continue their training. Ruiz, Muriel, Gallego, Velez, Gomez & Portilla (2009) “one of the main problems that faces the Colombian higher education system, is the high level of academic desertion in the undergraduate programs” (p.13). From this point, throughout this research, we analyzed the reasons why students in the Bachelor Program in English Language Teaching at UNIMINUTO deserted. Having a population of participants between the years 2013-2017, implementing a case study research with qualitative approach using documentary evidence, survey and interviews. We expect that the results help in the permanence of the students in the program.Item Cooperative Role-plays to Support Self-confidence when “Public Speaking Anxiety” is experienced(2019-05-20) Bermúdez Quevedo, Paula Alexandra; Jiménez Martínez, Laura Valentina; Cárdenas Báez, María Fernanda; Gamboa González, Ángela MaríaThis qualitative research was conducted to support self-confidence of A1 students when they experienced public speaking anxiety, through the use of cooperative role-plays. This study explored not only the factors directly related to the teaching of a language, but also the emotional factors or feelings that students showed and expressed when they had to assume a role, work cooperatively and act in front of their peers. Furthermore, by solving this problem the students of English 1 class could be benefited, for example, in the social factor since it would help the students to communicate in a correct way with others as in a daily conversation on different topics, likewise for specific purposes such as getting a job or traveling to other countries. The participants that were chosen for this project were 30 students, 9 men and 21 women, from different majors. The instruments used to carry out this study consisted of a semi-structured interview for the teacher of the course, a pre-test and a post-test which includes questions about the feelings, perceptions and relationships of the participants with themselves and with others in order to know about the students’ self-confidence, field notes to collect information about the behaviors of the students during the process when applying the cooperative role-plays, and finally, a focus group to know the students’ points of view about the process. At the end of the implementation, it is demonstrated from the data analysis that the cooperative role-plays had an effect on self-confidence when the participants had to speak English in public.Item Fostering Content-Based English Vocabulary Through Project-Based Learning in an EFL Classroom(Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, 2019-05-22) Téllez Urrea, María Luisa Fernanda; Reina, MarivelThis research project was implemented in Tibabuyes Universal School. Where fifth graders lacked of vocabulary in the foreign language, to evidence that description the researcher applied a diagnostic to test both the knowledge and content related to the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) and English vocabulary comprehension. Results showed that English vocabulary acquisition needed to be meaningful for the students, the researcher used PBL (Project-Based Learning) linked to the topic the use of 3Rs. Mentioned that, students were conscious about environmental care and how this assumption becomes meaningful in a foreign language acquisition. To the development of the present study, the researcher established the aim: to foster content-based English vocabulary about the 3Rs through PBL in fifth graders in an EFL classroom at Tibabuyes Universal School. The researcher implemented qualitative research paradigm taking into account instruments such as students’ artifacts, reflective field-notes and focus groups. It was evidenced the students’ process regarding vocabulary acquisition and knowledge related to 3Rs. At the end of the project, students showed the importance of wastes use in the classroom by creating products made of plastic, food and paper waste using the vocabulary gained during each session showing that English can be learn to link real life topics and English subject.Item An Unknown Marriage in Pre-Service Teachers: Beliefs and Their Practices.(Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, 2019-05-20) Molina Martinez, Luz Mery; Cuervo Alzate, Lady VivianaThis research explored pre-service teachers’ beliefs about teaching and the relationship that they can do with their teaching practices during the development of the same in the English Bachelor Program at Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios. It is worth to emphasize that this qualitative research with a narrative focus used autobiographical narratives as an instrument of analysis, which four pre-service teachers carried out before and during their teaching practice. Through this instrument, the data supported the three main categories established, being these teacher`s roles, methods, approaches, strategies and materials for English Language Teaching. As results of this research, it was found pre-service teachers’ articulated some of their beliefs related to the teacher’s role in the classroom with their teaching practicum. On the other hand, pre-service teachers changed other beliefs related to the methods, approaches or strategies to teach English language, it due to context where they developed their teaching practicum number one. Finally, the participants remarked their beliefs related to resources and materials to teach English Language during their teaching practicum number one.Item Attitudes to Conflict Resolution in the English Classroom: An Action Research Study(Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, 2019-05-22) Ramirez Ramirez, Cristian David; Marin Ceron, DiegoThis project was aimed at developing ‘The Peace Lecture’ (Decree 1038 of 2015) in an English class of Las Villas Public School. To do so, the researcher designed a didactic unit to promote the development of conflict resolution skills in five English lessons. The activities of the didactic unit sought to influence the students’ attitudes toward conflict resolution while reinforcing their communicative competence. The impact of those activities was explored through reflections the participants wrote at the end of every lesson. Regarding the type of study chosen, this research was based on a mixed paradigm with an action research approach. The data analysis showed that students tended to have attitudes in favor of peaceful coexistence. Therefore, it can be assumed that the participants developed new compromising attitudes or reinforced previous ones after carrying out the activities of the didactic unit. In other words, students probably became more aware of the existence of alternative responses to everyday conflicts.Item The Implementation of a Professional Learning Community to Support Out-of-Field Teachers(Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, 2019-05-22) Otálora Diaz, Claudia Marcela; Jaime Hernández, Yudy Marcela; Hoyos Ensuncho, MaryluzThis study attempts to provide support to out-of-field teachers, who are the teachers who have limited knowledge about the subject they are teaching. For example: English, Chemistry, Science, Spanish, etc. For that, we chose five teachers (Normalistas Superiores) at a private school in Bogotá. Likewise, to see what could be done in order to help them in their teaching practices, the researchers used a Professional Learning Community for providing information about components, skills, and bases about English methodologies and approaches. What is more, the interviews observations, and questionnaires were used for collecting the data.Item Oral Production through Interaction with Role-plays in EFL classes(Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, 2019-05-21) Hernández Rodríguez, Angie Dianit; Herrera Niño, Catalina; Prieto Castillo, Claudia YaniveThis Project was carried out at Colegio Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo with 26 students from fifth grade. The main objective was to improve the oral production in English according to the policies from the Ministry of Education of Colombia (MEN), because students did not demonstrate the proper level of oral expression in English, and at the same time they had problems with their interaction in class. To solve this important communicative element, it was stablished as a strategy the use of role plays. To identify the problem, it was necessary to collect data through the analysis of institutional documents (tests, curriculum plan, achievements of fifth the grade in English), teaching English policies (Guide No. 22, DBA (Basic Learning Rights), field notes, interviews and videos. This is a qualitative research and its approach was action research because researcher can realize about behaviors, attitudes, and reflect and act that the moment of an activity.Item A syllabus proposal to develop critical thinking skills through literature circles.(Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, 2018-11-30) Cantillo Hurtado, Eliana Del Carmen; Benavides Hernández, Natalia Andrea; Mogollón Méndez, Luisa Fernanda; Ortiz Vergara, Mariluz; Benito Duran, José AlexanderEl presente proyecto de enfoque cualitativo propone un Syllabus basado en competencias (Daniels, 2002), diseñado para el desarrollo de habilidades del pensamiento crítico a través de un círculo literario. Para llevar a cabo la propuesta de Syllabus, está fue basada en un análisis de necesidades (Johns, 1991) aplicada a estudiantes del programa de Licenciatura en Idioma Extranjero Inglés en la Universidad Minuto De Dios, con el fin de identificar sus dificultades y falencias en términos de pensamiento crítico. Lo anterior fue recolectado a través de entrevistas, cuestionarios y observaciones, lo cual nos permitió organizar los resultados en tres categorías principales. Posteriormente, las categorías y subcategorías descritas en el análisis de necesidades arrojaron el reiterado uso de habilidades simples del pensamiento crítico en los estudiantes de séptimo a noveno semestre de la Licenciatura y también los potenciales beneficios de una actividad extracurricular como es el caso de un círculo literario. Las evidencias recolectadas fueron la base para el diseño del Syllabus, a través de la creación de catorce sesiones, en las cuales las habilidades que componen el pensamiento crítico fueron desarrolladas en un proceso de andamiaje donde una habilidad procede de la otra para su apropiado desarrollo (Numrich, 2010).