Análisis comparativo de los procesos de tributación en personas naturales entre Colombia y Estados Unidos.
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Moreno Reyes, Paula Andrea
Arturo Sánchez, Ricardo Andrés
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
Para los estados es necesario el recaudo de impuestos como el caso del impuesto que recae sobre los ingresos conocido con el nombre de impuesto de renta, el objetivo de esta investigación es Comparar los procesos de tributación en personas naturales entre Colombia y Estados Unidos enfocados en el impuesto de renta de personas naturales, se utilizó el análisis documental cómo herramienta para obtener la información necesaria para el desarrollo del trabajo, dentro de los resultados se pudo determinar que los dos estados se basan en el principio de renta mundial para gravar con el impuesto los ingresos obtenidos por los contribuyentes, cada país define los criterios que se deben tener en cuenta para clasificar un ingreso como de fuente nacional o de fuente extranjera así como de las bases para tener la obligación de cumplir con el deber formal de declarar y posteriormente el deber sustancial de realizar el respectivo pago. Se encuentran diferencias con el principio de progresividad, en Colombia se aplica una formula según el umbral de ingresos medidos en UVT y en estados unidos se aplica la tarifa según cada escala de ingresos en los dos casos se busca que el que más ingresos posea tribute más, se concluye que ambos sistemas tributarios tiene similitudes pues se grava en los dos casos el hecho generador de renta, tienen cómo uno de sus pilares el principio de progresividad pero tienen diferencias en la clasificación de contribuyentes, en Estados Unidos existen impuestos a la renta de nivel estatal
States need to collect taxes, such as the income tax known as the income tax, the objective of this research is to compare the processes of taxation of individuals between Colombia and the United States focused on personal income tax, documentary analysis was used as a tool to obtain the necessary information for the development of the work, within the results, it was determined that the two states rely on the worldwide income principle to tax the income obtained by taxpayers, each country defines the criteria that must be taken into account to classify an income as domestic or foreign source, as well as the basis for the obligation to comply with the formal duty to declare and subsequently the substantial duty to make the respective payment. There are differences with the principle of progressivity, in Colombia a formula is applied according to the income threshold measured in UVT and in the United States the rate is applied according to each income scale, in both cases it is sought that the one who has more income taxes more, it is concluded that both tax systems have similarities, since in both cases the income generating fact is taxed, they have as one of their pillars the principle of progressivity but they have differences in the classification of taxpayers, in the United States there are income taxes at the state level
States need to collect taxes, such as the income tax known as the income tax, the objective of this research is to compare the processes of taxation of individuals between Colombia and the United States focused on personal income tax, documentary analysis was used as a tool to obtain the necessary information for the development of the work, within the results, it was determined that the two states rely on the worldwide income principle to tax the income obtained by taxpayers, each country defines the criteria that must be taken into account to classify an income as domestic or foreign source, as well as the basis for the obligation to comply with the formal duty to declare and subsequently the substantial duty to make the respective payment. There are differences with the principle of progressivity, in Colombia a formula is applied according to the income threshold measured in UVT and in the United States the rate is applied according to each income scale, in both cases it is sought that the one who has more income taxes more, it is concluded that both tax systems have similarities, since in both cases the income generating fact is taxed, they have as one of their pillars the principle of progressivity but they have differences in the classification of taxpayers, in the United States there are income taxes at the state level
Renta, Persona natural, Comparación, Tributaria, Individual Income, Tax, Comparison, Taxation