Ecos por la Peña: repertorios comunicacionales para el “cuidado de la casa común” en Jesús María y Sucre, Santander.
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Adrián Quintero, Robert
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO
Book chapter
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
La construcción de sentidos que dotó de imaginarios y lenguajes de valoración a quienes participaron de esta
lucha, estuvo especialmente influida por las referencias al pensamiento social y ambiental de la iglesia católica, ello a causa del rol descollante del sacerdote Edgar Sánchez (y en menor grado de la pastoral social) en la convocatoria a las consultas populares celebradas en los dos municipios.
The construction of meanings that endowed those who participated in this struggle with imaginaries and languages of valuation was especially influenced by references to the social and environmental thought of the Catholic Church, due to the outstanding role of the priest Edgar Sánchez (and to a lesser degree of social pastoral) in the call to the popular consultation held in the two municipalities.
The construction of meanings that endowed those who participated in this struggle with imaginaries and languages of valuation was especially influenced by references to the social and environmental thought of the Catholic Church, due to the outstanding role of the priest Edgar Sánchez (and to a lesser degree of social pastoral) in the call to the popular consultation held in the two municipalities.
Capítulo completo en acceso abierto.
Minería de construcción, Consultas populares, Repertorios comunicacionales, Ecologismo latinoamericano, Construction mining, Popular consultations, Communication repertoires, Latin American environmentalism