Epistemologías del Sur y Literatura: explorando los retos en la Licenciatura en Humanidades y Lengua Castellana de UNIMINUTO.
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
Históricamente, la universidad se ha inclinado por los preceptos de la ciencia moderna de
Occidente, y las Instituciones de Educación Superior de América Latina no son la excepción. Al
adoptar diversos modelos educativos desde el colonial hasta el republicano, el cual es una
reinterpretación del modelo napoleónico centrado en formar profesionales especializados en áreas
del saber divididas por el canon cognitivo establecido por la razón metonímica proveniente del
sistema-mundo moderno global, este modelo responde a las necesidades socioculturales,
económicas y políticas de la élite social.
América Latina en su afán de alcanzar dicho canon cognitivo y la estructura social que lo
sustentaba, se dio a la tarea de replicar y mantener los estatutos epistemológicos de la sociedad
occidental, incurriendo en la marginalización de experiencias y prácticas socioculturales, políticas,
económicas y ambientales que no responden al canon establecido por la realidad educativa
hegemónica del saber científico. La Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, ha sido partícipe
en reproducir este modelo educativo, a pesar de ser una institución que se jacta de poseer un sentido
crítico de la sociedad.
Historically, the university has been inclined by the precepts of modern Western science, and the Institutions of Higher Education in Latin America are no exception. By adopting various educational models from the colonial to the republican, which is a reinterpretation of the Napoleonic model focused on training professionals specialized in areas of knowledge divided by the cognitive canon established by the metonymic reason from the global modern world-system, this model responds to the sociocultural, economic and political needs of the social elite. Latin America in its desire to achieve this cognitive canon and the social structure that supported it, undertook the task of replicating and maintaining the epistemological statutes of Western society, incurring in the marginalization of sociocultural, political, economic and environmental experiences and practices. that do not respond to the canon established by the hegemonic educational reality of scientific knowledge. The Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios has been a participant in reproducing this educational model, despite being an institution that boasts of having a critical sense of society.
Historically, the university has been inclined by the precepts of modern Western science, and the Institutions of Higher Education in Latin America are no exception. By adopting various educational models from the colonial to the republican, which is a reinterpretation of the Napoleonic model focused on training professionals specialized in areas of knowledge divided by the cognitive canon established by the metonymic reason from the global modern world-system, this model responds to the sociocultural, economic and political needs of the social elite. Latin America in its desire to achieve this cognitive canon and the social structure that supported it, undertook the task of replicating and maintaining the epistemological statutes of Western society, incurring in the marginalization of sociocultural, political, economic and environmental experiences and practices. that do not respond to the canon established by the hegemonic educational reality of scientific knowledge. The Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios has been a participant in reproducing this educational model, despite being an institution that boasts of having a critical sense of society.
Analizar la incidencia de los componentes teóricos de las Epistemologías del Sur,
homologando sus postulados dentro del plan de estudios del área de Literatura de la Licenciatura
en Humanidades y Lengua Castellana de la Corporación universitaria Minuto de Dios, sede calle
Epistemologías del Sur, Literatura emergente, Ecología de saberes, Sociología de las ausencias, Trabajo de traducción, Epistemologies of the South, Emerging Literature, Ecology of Knowledge, Sociology of Absences