Armonías y distorsiones en lo comunitario : experiencias de sistematización.
Arias Perales, Ildefonso
González Marulanda, Angie Lizeth
Salomón Arias, Harry Rosendo
Castaño Becerra, Andrea Del Pilar
Cetarez Chica, Andrea Del Carmen
Rojas Torres, Nohora Myleimn
Otálora, Lina María
Cubides Velasco, Iván Mateo
Bresci Farías, Ayda Marlenny
Mejía Madero, Bibiana Andrea
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Este libro es resultado del proceso de sistematización de experiencias en los cuatro Centros de Educación para el Desarrollo (Soacha, Girardot, Zipaquirá y Madrid) de la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios-UNIMINUTO, en la rectoría del departamento de Cundinamarca en Colombia. La investigación se realizó en el marco del proyecto “Investigadores con impacto social”, desde dos líneas de acción: emprender un proceso de formación colaborativa entre los profesores y profesoras del proyecto en metodologías de investigación social participativas, y, al tiempo que se formaban, sistematizar una experiencia comunitaria significativa.
This book is the result of the process of systematization of experiences in the four Development Education Centers (Soacha, Girardot, Zipaquirá and Madrid) of Education for Development Centers (Soacha, Girardot, Zipaquirá and Madrid) of the Minuto de Dios University Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios-UNIMINUTO, in the rectory of the department of Cundinamarca in Colombia. of Cundinamarca in Colombia. The research was carried out within the framework of the project The research was conducted within the framework of the project “Researchers with social impact”, from two lines of action: to undertake a process of collaborative collaborative training process among the project’s professors in participatory social research methodologies, and methodologies of participatory social research, and, while they were being trained, to systematize a significant community experience. significant community experience.
This book is the result of the process of systematization of experiences in the four Development Education Centers (Soacha, Girardot, Zipaquirá and Madrid) of Education for Development Centers (Soacha, Girardot, Zipaquirá and Madrid) of the Minuto de Dios University Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios-UNIMINUTO, in the rectory of the department of Cundinamarca in Colombia. of Cundinamarca in Colombia. The research was carried out within the framework of the project The research was conducted within the framework of the project “Researchers with social impact”, from two lines of action: to undertake a process of collaborative collaborative training process among the project’s professors in participatory social research methodologies, and methodologies of participatory social research, and, while they were being trained, to systematize a significant community experience. significant community experience.
Libro completo en acceso abierto.
Experiencias de sistematización, Diálogo de saberes, Responsabilidad social, Comunidad, Territorios, Systematization experiences, Dialogue of knowledge, Social Responsibility, Community, Territories