Estudio económico de los productos que ingresan a la plaza de mercado del municipio Girardot.

dc.contributor.advisorBeltrán Echeverry, Alexander
dc.contributor.authorMartínez Arias, José Alejandro
dc.contributor.authorDuque Vásquez, Anderson
dc.coverage.spatialGirardot (Cundinamarca)es_ES
dc.descriptionRealizar un diagnóstico económico sobre los productos que ingresan a la plaza de mercado de Girardot, Cundinamarca.es_ES
dc.description.abstractDesde la conformación de Colombia como país, ha sido un país agricultor, donde se trabaja las tierras para beneficio propio, bien sea para producir productos para el consumo humano o para comercializar y hacer de ello un negocio, desde que existe el comercio en la época antigua se manejaba mediante trueques donde se intercambiaban unos productos por otros, desde que se acuño la moneda y esta misma tuvo un poder adquisitivo, los productos han tomado un valor intangible el cual es determinado por el mercado. Con el pasar del tiempo el comercio se ha posicionado en diferentes escenarios, desde la tienda de barrio, hasta centros masivos de comercio de productos, como lo son las plazas de mercado, súper mercado e híper mercados. A pesar de la gran innovación y las nuevas tendencias de retail o consumismo masivo, aun se resguarda la insignia y la tradición de un espacio dedicado a la compra y venta de productos exclusiva mente del campo, el cual se conoce como “La Plaza de mercado’’. Un espacio culturalmente reconocido en la gran parte de ciudades Colombianas. Donde productores, distribuidores, mayoristas, intermediarios y compradores compran y venden sus productos a precios cómodos para el bolsillo de la canasta familiar colombiana.es_ES
dc.description.abstractenglishSince the formation of Colombia as a country, we have been a farmer country, where we have worked the land for our own benefit, either to produce products for human consumption or to commercialize and make a business from it, since there is trade at the time old was handled by barter where some products were exchanged for others, since the coin was coined and it had a purchasing power, the products have taken an intangible value which is determined by the market. With the passing of time, the trade has positioned itself in different scenarios, from the neighborhood store, to massive centers of product trade, such as the market places, super market and hyper markets. In spite of the great innovation and the new tendencies of retail or massive consumerism, the logo and tradition of a space dedicated to the purchase and sale of products exclusively from the countryside, which is known as "La Plaza de market''. A space culturally recognized in most Colombian cities. Where producers, distributors, wholesalers, intermediaries and buyers buy and sell their products at comfortable prices for the pocket of the Colombian family basket. There is born our attention on the market places, more especially in the city of Girardot, in this city there is no exception, there is also a market place, in our research on this, we find "the Girardot Market Square (1946- 1948), by Leopoldo Rother, an extraordinary project, modern as none, efficient and functional. The building is located near the Magdalena River and consists of a concrete structure, light and recursive; it does not have closing walls and so it takes advantage of the breezes and achieves a freshness that surprises when entering the building, after the suffocating heat of the exterior ". (Credential Magazine, 2016). According to the above, The Market Square of Girardot is a national monument since it is considered historical heritage for its architectural design. The Market Square of Girardot has a history and a symbol of the development of the economy of Girardot and the entire region, in its time it was an intermediary in the economy of the area, through which passed and stored products that were distributed to different areas from Colombia. It is appropriate to develop a study characterize the marketing chain, which takes into account the origin prices and quantities of products that today operate in the market place in order to understand their economy. The purpose of the investigation is to thoroughly understand the trade of the square of the municipality of Girardot, in order to determine its current status. With the investigation it will be possible to analyze the origin of each product that is marketed in the square of Girardot and thus generate a mapping on the agricultural origin, the quantities and prices related to the products, their possible problems that give rise to the exodus of the traditional trade of the market places to the new models of trade such as super markets and others, all this through a study exploratory within the square with interviews, surveys, direct observation, among others to know the context of the trade of the same and to generate a final conclusion that makes understand the current state of Market Square of the Municipality of Girardot.us_US
dc.identifier.citationMartinez, J. y Duque, A. (2018). Estudio económico de los productos que ingresan a la plaza de mercado del municipio Girardot. (Trabajo de grado). Corporación universitaria minuto de Dios, Girardot - Colombia.es_ES
dc.publisherCorporación Universitaria Minuto de Dioses_ES
dc.publisher.departmentPregrado (Presencial)es_ES
dc.publisher.programAdministración de Empresases_ES
dc.rights.licenseAbierto (Texto completo)es_ES
dc.sourcereponame:Colecciones Digitales Uniminutoes_ES
dc.sourceinstname:Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dioses_ES
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dc.subjectPlaza de mercadoes_ES
dc.subjectEspacio públicoes_ES
dc.subjectModo de vidaes_ES
dc.subjectEstablecimiento comerciales_ES
dc.subject.keywordsPublic spaceus_US
dc.subject.keywordsCommercial establishmentus_US
dc.subject.lembDesarrollo económico – estudio de casoses_ES
dc.subject.lembAbastecimiento de alimentoses_ES
dc.subject.lembProductos agrícolas – comercioes_ES
dc.titleEstudio económico de los productos que ingresan a la plaza de mercado del municipio Girardot.es_ES
dc.type.spaTrabajo de Gradoes_ES


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