Influencia De Las Narrativas En La Resignificación De Las Memorias Del Colectivo Mafapo
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
Este proyecto investigativo está orientado a indagar sobre la influencia que han tenido las
narrativas “Madres Terra” y “Antígona Tribunal de Mujeres”, en el proceso de resignificación de
la memoria individual y colectiva sobre las ejecuciones extrajudiciales ocurridas en Colombia
en el período 2003 – 2010; mal llamadas “falsos positivos” (FP), las cuales se produjeron en el
marco de las políticas de seguridad democrática propuestas durante los períodos presidenciales
del 2002 – 2010 a cargo del expresidente Álvaro Uribe Vélez. A raíz de esta política, las fuerzas
militares reclutaron en el año 2008 a jóvenes procedentes del municipio de Soacha y Bogotá en
el que con falsas promesas fueron llevados a Ocaña Santander, donde posteriormente fueron
asesinados y presentados como guerrilleros dados de baja en combate.
Dos años después en el 2010, las madres de estos jóvenes de Soacha y Bogotá se unieron
para reclamar justicia, verdad y reparación a través del colectivo MAFAPO (madres de los falsos
This research project is aimed at investigating the influence that the narratives "Madres Terra" and "Antígona Tribunal de Mujeres" have had in the process of resignifying individual and collective memory about the extrajudicial executions that occurred in Colombia in the period 2003 - 2010; misnamed "false positives" (FP), which occurred within the framework of the democratic security policies proposed during the presidential terms of 2002-2010 under former president Álvaro Uribe Velez. As a result of this policy, in 2008 the military forces recruited young people from the municipalities of Soacha and Bogotá, where they were taken with false promises to Ocaña Santander, where they were later killed and presented as guerrillas killed in combat. Two years later, in 2010, the mothers of these young people from Soacha and Bogotá came together to demand justice, truth and reparation through the collective MAFAPO (mothers of false positives). From this space they have participated in the creation of multiple narratives, to tell their story through art, photography and audiovisual media, memory seamstresses, radio products, documentaries, a play and photographic galleries, thus being a mechanism effective complaint that demands the clarification of the murders that occurred to these young people between 2003-2010.
This research project is aimed at investigating the influence that the narratives "Madres Terra" and "Antígona Tribunal de Mujeres" have had in the process of resignifying individual and collective memory about the extrajudicial executions that occurred in Colombia in the period 2003 - 2010; misnamed "false positives" (FP), which occurred within the framework of the democratic security policies proposed during the presidential terms of 2002-2010 under former president Álvaro Uribe Velez. As a result of this policy, in 2008 the military forces recruited young people from the municipalities of Soacha and Bogotá, where they were taken with false promises to Ocaña Santander, where they were later killed and presented as guerrillas killed in combat. Two years later, in 2010, the mothers of these young people from Soacha and Bogotá came together to demand justice, truth and reparation through the collective MAFAPO (mothers of false positives). From this space they have participated in the creation of multiple narratives, to tell their story through art, photography and audiovisual media, memory seamstresses, radio products, documentaries, a play and photographic galleries, thus being a mechanism effective complaint that demands the clarification of the murders that occurred to these young people between 2003-2010.
Indagar sobre la influencia que han tenido las narrativas “Madres Terra” y “Antígona
Tribunal de Mujeres”, en el proceso de resignificación de la memoria individual y
colectiva sobre los asesinatos de las ejecuciones extrajudiciales (mal llamados Falsos
Positivos) ocurridas en el período 2003 - 2010.
Tribunal de Mujeres, Falsos Positivos, Madres Terra, Mafapo, Memoria, Narrativas, Antígona, Court of Women, Antigone, False Positives