Análisis del Impacto de la carga impositiva en el impuesto de renta a las personas naturales en Colombia entre los años 2010 al 2022
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Ramírez Meléndez, David Enrique
Torres Hernández, Maira Alejandra
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
La tributación en Colombia es un tema que se ha venido analizando desde que la Ley consagro que es responsabilidad de las personas tributar para el sostenimiento del país. Desde entonces se han venido realizando estudios e investigaciones sobre la carga impositiva en el país y la inequidad que hay entre la carga impuestas a las personas jurídicas y la carga impuesta a las personas naturales, que de acuerdo estudios realizados la carga impositiva a las personas naturales en Colombia es la mas baja de la región. Este trabajo analiza el sistema tributario Colombiano y al carga impositiva que recae sobre las personas naturales, el cual se caracteriza por constantes cambios que generan inestabilidad para los contribuyentes, complejidad para su interpretación, e inequidad en su distribución; teniendo en cuenta la necesidad de recursos fiscales para atender el gasto público el Congreso de la Republica ha aprobado varias reformas tributarias porque se requiere una trasformación integral a fin de unificar, consolidar y simplificar el régimen. En Colombia las reformas tributarias solamente resuelven problemas coyunturales de financiamiento de los gobiernos, en tanto que agravan los problemas de desigualdad y pobreza. Concomitantemente, esta estructura tributaria grava más a los asalariados y personas de menores ingresos y privilegia a los grandes capitales, viendo estos asalariados un impacto por la carga impositiva los cuales afectan sus finanzas y presupuestos de ingresos y gastos.
Taxation in Colombia is a subject that has been analyzed since the Law established that it is the responsibility of individuals to pay taxes for the support of the country. Since then, studies and research have been carried out on the tax burden in the country and the inequity between the burden imposed on legal entities and the burden imposed on individuals, which according to studies carried out, the tax burden on individuals in Colombia is the lowest in the region. This work analyzes the Colombian tax system and the tax burden on individuals, which is characterized by constant changes that generate instability for taxpayers, complexity for its interpretation, and inequity in its distribution; taking into account the need for fiscal resources to meet public spending, the Congress of the Republic has approved several tax reforms because a comprehensive transformation is required in order to unify, consolidate and simplify the system. In Colombia, tax reforms only solve temporary problems of government financing, while aggravating the problems of inequality and poverty. At the same time, this tax structure imposes higher taxes on salaried workers and lower-income individuals and privileges large capital, and these workers are impacted by the tax burden, which affects their finances and income and expenditure budgets.
Taxation in Colombia is a subject that has been analyzed since the Law established that it is the responsibility of individuals to pay taxes for the support of the country. Since then, studies and research have been carried out on the tax burden in the country and the inequity between the burden imposed on legal entities and the burden imposed on individuals, which according to studies carried out, the tax burden on individuals in Colombia is the lowest in the region. This work analyzes the Colombian tax system and the tax burden on individuals, which is characterized by constant changes that generate instability for taxpayers, complexity for its interpretation, and inequity in its distribution; taking into account the need for fiscal resources to meet public spending, the Congress of the Republic has approved several tax reforms because a comprehensive transformation is required in order to unify, consolidate and simplify the system. In Colombia, tax reforms only solve temporary problems of government financing, while aggravating the problems of inequality and poverty. At the same time, this tax structure imposes higher taxes on salaried workers and lower-income individuals and privileges large capital, and these workers are impacted by the tax burden, which affects their finances and income and expenditure budgets.
Impuesto sobre la renta, Personas naturales, Gestión tributaria, Carga impositiva, Tax management, Income tax, Tax burden, Individuals