Evaluación de las condiciones del concreto a compresión cuando es modificado con fibras naturales de cáñamo
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Zuluaga Posada, Juan Pablo
Gómez Grajales, Santiago
Valencia Tobón, Rubiel Alonso
Escobar Pérez, Angélica
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
El presente trabajo de anteproyecto de investigación se presenta como requisito para optar por el título de
Especialista en Gerencia de Proyectos y busca principalmente a través de medios experimentales, identificar la incidencia que puede tener la adición de fibras naturales al concreto, como por ejemplo la fibra natural de cáñamo.
Por medio de la utilización de diversos porcentajes de esta fibra, se pretende someter a ensayos de
laboratorio cada uno de estos, con el fin de que, una vez se obtengan los resultados entregados por el laboratorio, realizar la construcción de gráficas tipo diagrama de barras y gráficos de dispersión , y con estas entender cuál sería el comportamiento de la resistencia a la compresión de las muestras de concreto tanto para la muestra patrón, como para cada una de las muestras adicionadas con los diferentes porcentajes de fibra de cáñamo la cual se estima en porcentaje con relación al peso del cemento.
Como muestra patrón se tomará una mezcla de concreto elaborada con cemento Portland de uso general,
la cual corresponderá a una resistencia a la compresión de F´c 21 Mpa y a partir de esta muestra patrón será
adicionada la fibra de cáñamo en 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2% y 3% tanto para las probetas de cilindros de dimensiones de Ø 0.15m x h: 0.30 m, como para las probetas de Ø 0.10m x h: 0.20 m.
Luego de realizar los ensayos a compresión de las muestras anteriormente descritas se obtienen resultados interesantes para el desarrollo de líneas de profundización, obteniendo como dato principal, el porcentaje óptimo de los utilizados en la presente investigación es el 0,5% de fibra de cáñamo con respecto al peso del cemento utilizado, generando un incremento en la resistencia del elemento del 16% a los 28 días de fundido el mismo.
Así mismo, el porcentaje menos adecuado para su utilización es 1,5% dado que, de acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, genera una disminución del 10% en la resistencia a la compresión del elemento en concreto.
This preliminary research project is presented as a requirement to opt for the title of Specialist in Project Management it seeks mainly through experimental means to identify the impact that the addition of natural fibers to concrete can have, such as the natural hemp fiber. Through the use of various percentages of this fiber, it is intended to submit each of these to laboratory tests, so that, through the results delivered by the laboratory, determine through graphs such as bar charts and scatter graphs, understand what would be the behavior of the compressive strength of the concrete samples both for the base or standard sample, and for each of the samples added with the different percentages of hemp fiber which is estimated in percentage relative to the weight of the cement. As a standard sample, a concrete mixture made with Portland cement for general use will be taken, which will correspond to a compressive strength of F'c 210 Mpa and from this standard sample it will be added in 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2% and 3% both for the cylinder specimens with dimensions of Ø 0.15m x h: 0.30 m, and for the specimens of Ø 0.10m x h: 0.20 m. After carrying out the compression tests of the samples described above, interesting results were obtained for the development of deepening lines, obtaining as main data, the optimal percentage of those used in the present investigation is 0.5% hemp fiber with Regarding the weight of the cement used, there will be an increase in the resistance of the element of 16% after 28 days of casting. Likewise, the least suitable percentage for its use is 1.5% since, according to the results obtained, it generates a 10% decrease in the resistance to compression of the specific element.
This preliminary research project is presented as a requirement to opt for the title of Specialist in Project Management it seeks mainly through experimental means to identify the impact that the addition of natural fibers to concrete can have, such as the natural hemp fiber. Through the use of various percentages of this fiber, it is intended to submit each of these to laboratory tests, so that, through the results delivered by the laboratory, determine through graphs such as bar charts and scatter graphs, understand what would be the behavior of the compressive strength of the concrete samples both for the base or standard sample, and for each of the samples added with the different percentages of hemp fiber which is estimated in percentage relative to the weight of the cement. As a standard sample, a concrete mixture made with Portland cement for general use will be taken, which will correspond to a compressive strength of F'c 210 Mpa and from this standard sample it will be added in 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2% and 3% both for the cylinder specimens with dimensions of Ø 0.15m x h: 0.30 m, and for the specimens of Ø 0.10m x h: 0.20 m. After carrying out the compression tests of the samples described above, interesting results were obtained for the development of deepening lines, obtaining as main data, the optimal percentage of those used in the present investigation is 0.5% hemp fiber with Regarding the weight of the cement used, there will be an increase in the resistance of the element of 16% after 28 days of casting. Likewise, the least suitable percentage for its use is 1.5% since, according to the results obtained, it generates a 10% decrease in the resistance to compression of the specific element.
Concreto, Resistencia, Muestra Patrón, Fibra, Cáñamo, Concrete, Strength, Sample Pattern, Fiber, Hemp