Impacto en los indicadores financieros con la expansión comercial de una cadena de farmacias en Colombia
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Bareño Molano, Iván Ruribe
Morales Muñoz, Ángela María
López Rodríguez, Campo Elías
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Los indicadores financieros son una herramienta Útil que influye en el rendimiento de la compañía de un periodo a otro de manera porcentual, cualitativa y cuantitativa. Son importantes ya que generan resultados de: Liquidez, solvencia, rentabilidad y apalancamiento para la toma de decisiones financieras., por ello, el objetivo de esta investigación es Analizar el impacto en los indicadores financieros con la expansión comercial de una cadena de farmacias en Colombia, que permita evidenciar la causa y efecto en la compañía. Se utilizo el alcance descriptivo, el enfoque metodológico mixto (cuantitativo – cualitativo) la investigación se dirigió a empresarios del sector farmacéutico de la ciudad de Bogotá en las áreas financieras, las técnicas de instrumento utilizadas son el análisis documental y el estudio de caso. En los resultados se evidencia que la comparación de periodos para la estructuración de indicadores es vital para permitir una toma de decisión y evolución de la eficiencia de la gestión realizada en cualquier compañía, así como mitigar las futuras perdidas. Se concluye que existen varios factores que influyen en el crecimiento de una compañía y que el tener cifras que comparen los diferentes indicadores permite un análisis más eficaz para los directivos de la compañía.
Financial indicators are a useful tool that influences the company's performance from one period to another in a percentage, qualitative and quantitative way. They are important because they generate results of: Liquidity, solvency, profitability and leverage for financial decision making., therefore, the objective of this research is to Analyze the impact on financial indicators with the commercial expansion of a drugstore chain in Colombia, which allows to evidence the cause and effect on the company. A descriptive scope was used, the mixed methodological approach (quantitative - qualitative), the research was directed to entrepreneurs of the pharmaceutical sector in the city of Bogota in the financial areas, the instrument techniques used are the documentary analysis and the case study. The results show that the comparison of periods for structuring indicators is vital to allow decision making and evolution of the management efficiency carried out in any company, as well as mitigating future losses. It is concluded that there are several factors that influence the growth of a company and that having figures that compare the different indicators allows a more effective analysis for the company's directors
Financial indicators are a useful tool that influences the company's performance from one period to another in a percentage, qualitative and quantitative way. They are important because they generate results of: Liquidity, solvency, profitability and leverage for financial decision making., therefore, the objective of this research is to Analyze the impact on financial indicators with the commercial expansion of a drugstore chain in Colombia, which allows to evidence the cause and effect on the company. A descriptive scope was used, the mixed methodological approach (quantitative - qualitative), the research was directed to entrepreneurs of the pharmaceutical sector in the city of Bogota in the financial areas, the instrument techniques used are the documentary analysis and the case study. The results show that the comparison of periods for structuring indicators is vital to allow decision making and evolution of the management efficiency carried out in any company, as well as mitigating future losses. It is concluded that there are several factors that influence the growth of a company and that having figures that compare the different indicators allows a more effective analysis for the company's directors
Analizar el impacto en los indicadores financieros con la expansión comercial de una cadena de farmacias en Colombia, que permita evidenciar la causa y efecto en la compañía.
Indicadores Financieros, Expansión, Comercio, Farmacias, Financial Indicators, Expansion, Pharmacies