Diseño de un programa de prevención y control ante la exposición al ruido, a partir de mediciones realizadas en la empresa Geoflora S.A.S. Bojacá, Cundinamarca.
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
El presente proyecto busca diseñar un programa de prevención y control, a partir de las mediciones de los niveles de exposición al ruido laboral en la empresa Geo flora S.A.S, dedicada a la producción y comercialización de flor de corte, clavel y mini clavel, con la finalidad de complementar el Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo en los procesos productivos, utilizando los mecanismos, métodos y herramientas de seguridad para que los trabajadores expuestos a riesgo físico, por las fuentes emisoras de ruido no lleguen a enfermedad laboral.
Para empezar, se realizó un diagnóstico de las condiciones iniciales en las que los trabajadores dentro de sus procesos productivos pueden estar expuestos al ruido, si cuentan con los elementos de protección personal (EPP), sistemas de operatividad de maquinaria, al tiempo que se definieron los factores de emisión y las afectaciones que estas pueden causar a los mismos.
Posteriormente se realizó las medicines de los decibeles (dB) emitidos por las fuentes de ruido en cada punto de producción, verificándose el uso de los EPP por parte de los trabajadores, y la frecuencia con que se realizan capacitaciones frente a temas de prevención de enfermedades laborales relacionadas con ruido.
Teniendo en cuenta la Guía Técnica Colombiana, para la identificación de los peligros y valoración de riesgos en seguridad y salud en el trabajo GTC 45 (ICONTEC, 2012), la cual determina la exposición al ruido como un riesgo físico, se hace necesario aplicar las acciones
preventivas y correctivas para mitigar dichos impactos, debido que en las observaciones realizadas en la fase de diagnóstico se reportó la emisión de ruido continuo y en alto grado, por
ello se consideró realizar una serie de mediciones para determinar su incidencia y posibles afectaciones a los trabajadores.
Como alternativa metodológica para la medición del ruido, se realizó por medio de un sonómetro PCE-428 estandarizado y calibrado para asegurar mediciones con mayor grado de exactitud, basados en la Norma Técnica Colombiana NTC 3321 (ICONTEC 2003), la cual determina los causales de exposición al ruido ocupacional y la estimación del deterioro de la audición inducida por el ruido.
En busca de contribuir con el Cumplimiento de la resolución 0312 de 2019, en la cual se definen los nuevos Estándares Mínimos del Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo para empleadores y contratantes, se diseñó una matriz para la utilización adecuada de los Elementos de Protección Personal (EPP), monitoreando los niveles de exposición al ruido y su frecuencia en los diferentes puntos para que se hiciera el cumplimiento de las normas de seguridad y salud en el trabajo vigentes, impulsando a la empresa a implementar los estándares internacionales de calidad, seguridad y medio ambiente ya que se complementan dentro del sistema integrado de gestión.
Como resultados y análisis de los mismos, se determinó que las mediciones realizadas en el desarrollo del presente proyecto se detectaron y clasificaron por punto. Encontrándose que las fuentes emisoras de ruido con mayor impacto fue el punto aspirador con un valor de 90,04 dB, como valor intermedio encontramos el punto de Bomba Maruyama con un valor de 82,02 dB y por último el menor impacto por ruido fue la mezcladora con un valor de 74,07 dB.
A partir de los datos obtenidos se desarrolló el análisis de resultados, mediante el contraste de cada uno de los puntos de monitoreo y las frecuencias e intensidades del ruido emitido, lo que
sirvió como soporte para la elaboración de un programa de Prevención y control para el riesgo físico ruido, Programa de capacitación a personal expuesto a ruido y por último un Programa de mantenimiento para maquinaria emisora de ruido.
This project seeks to design a prevention and control program, based on measurements of levels of exposure to occupational noise in the company Geo Flora SAS, dedicated to the production and marketing of cut flower, carnation and mini carnation, with the The aim is to complement the Occupational Health and Safety Management System in production processes, using safety mechanisms, methods and tools so that workers exposed to physical risk from noise-emitting sources do not reach occupational diseases. To start, a diagnosis was made of the initial conditions in which workers within their production processes may be exposed to noise, if they have the elements of personal protection (PPE), machinery operating systems, at the time they were defined the emission factors and the effects that these can cause to them. Subsequently, the measurements of the decibels (dB) emitted by the noise sources at each production point were carried out, verifying the use of PPE by the workers, and the frequency with which training is carried out on issues of disease prevention. related to noise. Taking into account the Colombian Technical Guide, for the identification of hazards and risk assessment in safety and health at work GTC 45, which determines exposure to noise as a physical risk, it is necessary to apply preventive and corrective actions to mitigate these impacts, since the observations made in the diagnostic phase reported the emission of continuous and high-grade noise, therefore it was considered to carry out a series of measurements to determine its incidence and possible effects on workers. xiii As a methodological alternative for noise measurement, it was performed using a standardized and calibrated PCE-428 sound level meter to ensure more accurate measurements, based on Colombian Technical Standard NTC 3321 - which determines the causes of exposure to occupational noise and estimation of noise-induced hearing impairment. Seeking to contribute to Compliance with resolution 0312 of 2019 - By which the new Minimum Standards of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System for employers and contractors are defined, a matrix was designed for the proper use of the Elements of Personal Protection (PPE), monitoring the levels of noise exposure and its frequency at the different points so that compliance with current safety and health standards at work was carried out, promoting the company to implement international quality standards , safety and environment as they complement each other within the integrated management system. As results and analysis of the same, it was determined that the measurements made in the development of this project were detected and classified by point. Finding that the noise emitting sources with the greatest impact was the vacuum point with a value of 90.04 dB, as an intermediate value we found the Maruyama Bomba point with a value of 82.02 dB, and lastly, the lowest noise impact was the mixer with a value of 74.07 dB. Based on the results obtained, the analysis of results was developed, by contrasting each of the monitoring points and the frequencies and intensities of the noise emitted. From there, a risk identification matrix for noise exposure was generated. which was the input for the preparation of the prevention and control programs for the physical risk of noise, a training program for personnel exposed to noise, and finally a maintenance program for noise-emitting machinery.
This project seeks to design a prevention and control program, based on measurements of levels of exposure to occupational noise in the company Geo Flora SAS, dedicated to the production and marketing of cut flower, carnation and mini carnation, with the The aim is to complement the Occupational Health and Safety Management System in production processes, using safety mechanisms, methods and tools so that workers exposed to physical risk from noise-emitting sources do not reach occupational diseases. To start, a diagnosis was made of the initial conditions in which workers within their production processes may be exposed to noise, if they have the elements of personal protection (PPE), machinery operating systems, at the time they were defined the emission factors and the effects that these can cause to them. Subsequently, the measurements of the decibels (dB) emitted by the noise sources at each production point were carried out, verifying the use of PPE by the workers, and the frequency with which training is carried out on issues of disease prevention. related to noise. Taking into account the Colombian Technical Guide, for the identification of hazards and risk assessment in safety and health at work GTC 45, which determines exposure to noise as a physical risk, it is necessary to apply preventive and corrective actions to mitigate these impacts, since the observations made in the diagnostic phase reported the emission of continuous and high-grade noise, therefore it was considered to carry out a series of measurements to determine its incidence and possible effects on workers. xiii As a methodological alternative for noise measurement, it was performed using a standardized and calibrated PCE-428 sound level meter to ensure more accurate measurements, based on Colombian Technical Standard NTC 3321 - which determines the causes of exposure to occupational noise and estimation of noise-induced hearing impairment. Seeking to contribute to Compliance with resolution 0312 of 2019 - By which the new Minimum Standards of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System for employers and contractors are defined, a matrix was designed for the proper use of the Elements of Personal Protection (PPE), monitoring the levels of noise exposure and its frequency at the different points so that compliance with current safety and health standards at work was carried out, promoting the company to implement international quality standards , safety and environment as they complement each other within the integrated management system. As results and analysis of the same, it was determined that the measurements made in the development of this project were detected and classified by point. Finding that the noise emitting sources with the greatest impact was the vacuum point with a value of 90.04 dB, as an intermediate value we found the Maruyama Bomba point with a value of 82.02 dB, and lastly, the lowest noise impact was the mixer with a value of 74.07 dB. Based on the results obtained, the analysis of results was developed, by contrasting each of the monitoring points and the frequencies and intensities of the noise emitted. From there, a risk identification matrix for noise exposure was generated. which was the input for the preparation of the prevention and control programs for the physical risk of noise, a training program for personnel exposed to noise, and finally a maintenance program for noise-emitting machinery.
Diseñar un programa de prevención y control a la exposición del factor de riesgo físico por ruido a partir de las mediciones y los niveles de exposición al ruido ocupacional en la empresa Geoflora S.A.S.
Ruido ocupacional, Exposición, Medición, Prevención, Elementos de protección, Riesgo físico, Enfermedad profesional, Sanciones económicas, Occupational noise, Exposure, Measurement, Prevention, Protection elements, Physical risk, Occupational disease, Economic sanctions, Improvement proposal