Modelo de sistema de gestión en seguridad y salud en el trabajo para la empresa LA GRECA CAFÉ RESTAURANTE
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO
Acceso Restringido -
En esta intervención con fines académicos se realizaron las primeras etapas documentales para la implementación del sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo (SG-SST) para la empresa “La Greca Café y Restaurante”, de acuerdo con los lineamientos del decreto 1072 del 2015 en el año 2024, se partió de la realización del diagnóstico inicial del sistema en acuerdo a los lineamientos del decreto a razón de que la empresa no contaba con sistema alguno de gestión, para ello, se elaboró la línea base de trabajo realizando una entrevista e inspección inicial en el área de cocina y atención al cliente, esto en compañía del representante legal, donde se verificaron las evidencias necesarias y empleando un computador portátil se diligenció la matriz de Excel “Evaluación Inicial del SG-SST” suministrado por la profesora Verónica Arias, generando un 1.00% de cumplimiento, con esta información se diseñó el plan de trabajo anual acorde a las necesidades identificadas en esta valoración inicial, posteriormente se diseñaron documentos, políticas, matrices, procedimientos y manuales necesarios acorde al plan de trabajo y las especificaciones del representante legal de la empresa procurando mantener los colores institucionales y un formato inicial de gestión documental, con estos avances se volvió a realizar la misma entrevista e inspecciones en las diferentes áreas de trabajo generando ahora un 27.08 % lo cual representa una mejora del 96.31% respecto a las condiciones iniciales del ciclo PHVA con las que se encontraba operando la empresa.
In this intervention for academic purposes, the first documentary stages were carried out for the implementation of the occupational health and safety management system (SG-SST) for the company "La Greca Café and Restaurant", in accordance with the guidelines of decree 1072 of 2015 in the year 2024, it started from the initial diagnosis of the system in accordance with the guidelines of the decree because the company did not have any management system, for this, the work baseline was prepared by conducting an interview and initial inspection in the kitchen and customer service area, this in the company of the legal representative, where the necessary evidence was verified and using a laptop the Excel matrix "Initial Evaluation of the SG-SST" provided by Professor Verónica Arias was filled out, generating 1.00% compliance, with this information the annual work plan was designed according to the needs identified in this initial assessment, subsequently documents, policies, matrices, procedures and manuals necessary according to the work plan were designed and the specifications of the legal representative of the company, trying to maintain the institutional colors and an initial document management format, with these advances the same interview and inspections were carried out again in the different work areas, now generating 27.08% which represents an improvement of 96.31% with respect to the initial conditions of the PHVA cycle with which the company was operating.
In this intervention for academic purposes, the first documentary stages were carried out for the implementation of the occupational health and safety management system (SG-SST) for the company "La Greca Café and Restaurant", in accordance with the guidelines of decree 1072 of 2015 in the year 2024, it started from the initial diagnosis of the system in accordance with the guidelines of the decree because the company did not have any management system, for this, the work baseline was prepared by conducting an interview and initial inspection in the kitchen and customer service area, this in the company of the legal representative, where the necessary evidence was verified and using a laptop the Excel matrix "Initial Evaluation of the SG-SST" provided by Professor Verónica Arias was filled out, generating 1.00% compliance, with this information the annual work plan was designed according to the needs identified in this initial assessment, subsequently documents, policies, matrices, procedures and manuals necessary according to the work plan were designed and the specifications of the legal representative of the company, trying to maintain the institutional colors and an initial document management format, with these advances the same interview and inspections were carried out again in the different work areas, now generating 27.08% which represents an improvement of 96.31% with respect to the initial conditions of the PHVA cycle with which the company was operating.
Elaborar la documentación del sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo para la empresa La Greca Café y Restaurante de acuerdo con el decreto 1072 del 2015 en el año 2024.
Restaurant, Intervention, Implementation, Initial Evaluation, Occupational Health and Safety Management System., Restaurante, Intervención, Implementación, Evaluación Inicial, Sistema de Gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo