Saberes y prácticas alrededor de la chicha como bebida ancestral
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Acuña Marrero, Melissa
Contreras Ruge, Deisy Constanza
Tibaduiza Rodríguez, Óscar Alfredo
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
El presente documento pretende evidenciar el resultado del proceso de
búsqueda documental y de investigación en torno a los saberes y prácticas que giran
en torno a la chicha como bebida ancestral característica de Abya Yala, especialmente
de los países andinos. En Colombia, la chicha se consume con mayor frecuencia en el
Altiplano Cundiboyacense, siendo una bebida indígena, campesina y de las clases
populares generadora de identidad, la cual ha estado bajo el cuidado de las mujeres
chicheras. Por otro lado, la chicha como dispositivo de resistencia ciudadana ha podido
permanecer en el tiempo y su consumo es parte de la cotidianidad de los territorios
This document makes ostensible the outcome of the research project about the traditional knowledge and practices around chica, which is a tribal drink characteristic of the Abya Yala, especially from the countries located on the North of the Andes Mountains. In Colombia, chicha is normality drank in the plateau located on of the Colombian Andes covering some of the areas of the departments of Cundinamarca and Boyacá. On one hand, chicha is an indigenous beverage drank by farmers and the Colombian working class. This drink creates a class identity relevantly mediated by the chicheras, the group women who make chicha. On the other hand, chicha is a means of resistance which has remained relevant given its quotidian consumption in parts of the Colombian territory.
This document makes ostensible the outcome of the research project about the traditional knowledge and practices around chica, which is a tribal drink characteristic of the Abya Yala, especially from the countries located on the North of the Andes Mountains. In Colombia, chicha is normality drank in the plateau located on of the Colombian Andes covering some of the areas of the departments of Cundinamarca and Boyacá. On one hand, chicha is an indigenous beverage drank by farmers and the Colombian working class. This drink creates a class identity relevantly mediated by the chicheras, the group women who make chicha. On the other hand, chicha is a means of resistance which has remained relevant given its quotidian consumption in parts of the Colombian territory.
Analizar la producción de saberes alrededor de la chicha como bebida ancestral
y campesina y la manera como esta bebida ha venido configurándose como práctica de
resistencia ciudadana en el altiplano cundiboyacense en el siglo XXI
Chicha, Saberes Ancestrales, Sabedoras, Mujeres Chicheras, Monstrucción de Identidad, Resistencia Ciudadana, Traditional Knowledges, Chicheras Women, Identity Construction