Improving reading comprehension through comics as a narrative text.

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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios




Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia


This research study aimed to improve reading comprehension through the use of comics as a narrative text. The main objective was to evaluate the impact of using comics to reinforce reading comprehension of tenth grade students from Corazón de María Technical Industrial School. In this project, the authors carried out a diagnostic test with a book called The Tempest by William Shakespeare with the objective of measuring the initial results with the ones obtained after the implementation which was made up of five sessions using as a tool “Macbeth” a comic book. When the students finished reading the chapters, the authors gave worksheets made by themselves to students in order to measure their understanding from each one of the readings. They consisted of false or true questions, multiple selection, definition, infer the question among others, based on the narrative text. These tests were used to collect data that allowed the authors to compare if there was improvement in reading comprehension.


To examine the effects of using comics as a tool for English reading comprehension in tenth graders from Colegio Técnico Industrial Corazón de María.


Comprensión lectora, Historietas, Narrativas, Lectura, Reading comprehension skills, Comics, Narratives, Teaching Reading