Factores determinantes para la apropiación de la innovación tecnológica ¨App¨ desarrollada por la empresa “Radio Taxi Aeropuerto S.A.” para la prestación del servicio de transporte individual de pasajeros de sus afiliados
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Castañeda González, Yudy Carolina
Sanabria Ochoa, Manuel Antonio
Sánchez Paredes, Claudia Patricia
Barrera Liévano, Jhony Alexander
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
Los avances tecnológicos facilitan las actividades de los sectores económicos, por
ejemplo en el transporte la empresa “Radio Taxi Aeropuerto S.A.”, está en un proceso de
transformación tecnológica con el desarrollo y puesta en marcha de la aplicación “Taxis Libres
App Conductor”, se identificó que la apropiación de este tipo de tecnologías por parte de los
conductores de taxi para la prestación del servicio de transporte individual de pasajeros no es la
esperada, ya que, como lo informó la gerente, durante los picos de la pandemia del Covid-19,
hubo un incremento en la adquisición de la app, pero superada ésta, un número representativo de
conductores dejaron de usar la aplicación.
A partir de esta problemática se plantea el objetivo, con el fin de relacionar los factores
determinantes para la apropiación de la innovación tecnológica de la App de la empresa en los
afiliados, para la prestación del servicio de transporte individual de pasajeros, proponiendo una
metodología con enfoque cuantitativo, con un alcance descriptivo – correlacional, para 38.000
conductores afiliados
Technological advances facilitate the activities of the economic sectors, for example in the transport sector, the company "Radio Taxi Aeropuerto S.A." is in the process of technological transformation with the development and implementation of the application "Taxis Libres App Conductor" it was identified that the appropriation of this type of technology by cab drivers for the provision of individual passenger transport service is not as expected, since, as reported by the manager, during the peaks of the Covid-19 pandemic, there was an increase in the acquisition of the App. However, once this was overcome, a representative number of drivers stopped using the application. Based on this problem, the objective is proposed to relate the determining factors for the appropriation of the technological innovation of the company's App in the affiliates for the provision of individual passenger transportation service, proposing a methodology with a quantitative approach, with a descriptive-correlational scope, for 38,000 affiliated drivers.
Technological advances facilitate the activities of the economic sectors, for example in the transport sector, the company "Radio Taxi Aeropuerto S.A." is in the process of technological transformation with the development and implementation of the application "Taxis Libres App Conductor" it was identified that the appropriation of this type of technology by cab drivers for the provision of individual passenger transport service is not as expected, since, as reported by the manager, during the peaks of the Covid-19 pandemic, there was an increase in the acquisition of the App. However, once this was overcome, a representative number of drivers stopped using the application. Based on this problem, the objective is proposed to relate the determining factors for the appropriation of the technological innovation of the company's App in the affiliates for the provision of individual passenger transportation service, proposing a methodology with a quantitative approach, with a descriptive-correlational scope, for 38,000 affiliated drivers.
Relacionar los factores determinantes para la apropiación de innovación tecnológica “App” desarrollada por la empresa “Radio Taxi Aeropuerto S.A.” para la prestación del servicio de transporte individual de pasajeros de sus afiliados.
Correlación, Digital, Proceso, Tecnología, Transformación, Correlation, Digital, Technology