Call Center Triunfante: estrategias clave para un clima organizacional exitoso
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
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La siguiente investigación se enfoca en el desarrollo humano dentro del entorno laboral del Call Center de Juan D Hoyos Distribuciones, estableciendo comparaciones con climas laborales de otras compañías de que desarrollan áreas de Call Center. El objetivo principal es comprender cómo las prácticas de gestión de recursos humanos en el Call Center de Juan D Hoyos Distribuciones contribuyen al buen desarrollo humano de sus empleados en relación con las experiencias laborales en diferentes sectores industriales. Con una trayectoria de más de 26 años, Juan D Hoyos distribuciones, una empresa que nació como un emprendimiento en el año 1995, por Juan David Hoyos. Una compañía especializada en la distribución y comercialización de productos para el mercado institucional, dicho servicio está acompañado de una propuesta de valor para sus clientes, empleados y proveedores el sector de distribución en Colombia enfrenta una serie de desafíos caracterizados por incertidumbres globales, un mercado altamente competitivo y la necesidad de adaptaciones estratégicas a un entorno rápidamente cambiante. Para lograr este objetivo, se llevará a cabo un análisis de los métodos del desarrollo profesional y del bienestar laboral implementados en el Call Center de Juan D Hoyos Distribuciones comparado con otras empresas Call Center. Además, se recopilarán datos sobre el clima laboral, niveles de satisfacción, motivación y compromiso de los empleados en este entorno específico. Posteriormente, se realizará una comparación con estudios similares realizados en otras industrias para identificar similitudes y diferencias en cuanto a prácticas de gestión de recursos humanos y su impacto en el desarrollo humano de los empleados. Se espera que estos hallazgos contribuyan a mejorar las políticas y prácticas de gestión de recursos humanos en el contexto específico del Call Center, así como a enriquecer el conocimiento sobre el buen desarrollo humano en entornos laborales diversos.
The present study focuses on investigating human development within the work environment of the Juan D Hoyos Distribuciones Call Center, establishing comparisonswith work climates in other industries. The main objective is to understand how humanresource management practices in the Juan D Hoyos Distribuciones Call Center contribute to the good human development of its employees in relation to work experiences in different industrial sectors. With a history of more than 26 years, Juan D Hoyos distributes, a company thatwas born as a venture in 1995, by Juan David Hoyos. A company specialized in the distribution and marketing of products for the institutional market, this service is accompanied by a value proposition for its clients, employees, and suppliers. The distribution sector in Colombia faces a series of challenges characterized by global uncertainties, a market highly competitive environment and the need for strategic adaptations to a rapidly changing environment To achieve this objective, an exhaustive analysis of the professional developmentand work well-being methods implemented in the Juan de Hoyos Distribuciones Call Center will be carried out. In addition, data will be collected on the work environment, satisfaction levels, motivation, and commitment of employees in this specific environment. Subsequently, a comparison will be made with similar studies carried out in otherindustries to identify similarities and differences in terms of human resource management practices and their impact on the human development of employees. These findings are expected to contribute to improving human resource management policies and practices in the specific context of the Call Center, as well asto enrich knowledge 11 about good human development in diverse work environments
The present study focuses on investigating human development within the work environment of the Juan D Hoyos Distribuciones Call Center, establishing comparisonswith work climates in other industries. The main objective is to understand how humanresource management practices in the Juan D Hoyos Distribuciones Call Center contribute to the good human development of its employees in relation to work experiences in different industrial sectors. With a history of more than 26 years, Juan D Hoyos distributes, a company thatwas born as a venture in 1995, by Juan David Hoyos. A company specialized in the distribution and marketing of products for the institutional market, this service is accompanied by a value proposition for its clients, employees, and suppliers. The distribution sector in Colombia faces a series of challenges characterized by global uncertainties, a market highly competitive environment and the need for strategic adaptations to a rapidly changing environment To achieve this objective, an exhaustive analysis of the professional developmentand work well-being methods implemented in the Juan de Hoyos Distribuciones Call Center will be carried out. In addition, data will be collected on the work environment, satisfaction levels, motivation, and commitment of employees in this specific environment. Subsequently, a comparison will be made with similar studies carried out in otherindustries to identify similarities and differences in terms of human resource management practices and their impact on the human development of employees. These findings are expected to contribute to improving human resource management policies and practices in the specific context of the Call Center, as well asto enrich knowledge 11 about good human development in diverse work environments
Exponer las estrategias exitosas relacionadas al desarrollo del buen clima organizacional implementado en el área Call Center Juan D Hoyos Distribuciones.
Bienestar laboral, Recursos humanos, Clima laboral, Propuesta de valor