Comparación entre el sistema tributario de Colombia y de Estonia: un estudio en personas jurídicas
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Chávez Ovalle, Jarly Johanna
Jiménez Pulido, Nubia Gineth
Ortiz Martínez, Cristian Jair
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
En el desarrollo de esta investigación se realiza una comparación entre los sistemas tributarios de Colombia y Estonia, centrándose en el ámbito de personas jurídicas, tiene como objetivo principal comparar las diferencias y similitudes en los regímenes fiscales de ambos países con la intención de señalar cómo estas afectan a las compañías y a la economía en su conjunto. Su alcance descriptivo busca analizar la tributación de personas jurídicas en los países de Colombia y Estonia, permitiendo conocer las generalidades de los impuestos más relevantes según la información recolectada, mediante el enfoque cualitativo, este estudio ayuda a comprender mejor el impuesto de sociedades en cada país investigado, considerando desde diferentes ángulos cada sistema tributario, así como los cambios que puedan ser convenientes aplicarlos en Colombia; se eligió el análisis documental como el enfoque principal para la recopilación y el análisis de datos, dado que esta elección está dictada por la capacidad de investigar fuentes escritas y profundizar en el contenido de la literatura relevante para el tema de investigación
In the development of this research, a comparison is made between the tax systems of Colombia and Estonia, focusing on the field of legal persons, its main objective is to compare the differences and similarities in the tax regimes of both countries with the intention of indicating how these affect companies and the economy as a whole. Its descriptive scope seeks to analyze the taxation of legal persons in the countries of Colombia and Estonia, allowing to know the generalities of the most relevant taxes according to the information collected, through the qualitative approach, this study helps to better understand the corporate tax in each country. investigated, considering each tax system from different angles, as well as the changes that may be convenient to apply in Colombia; documentary analysis was chosen as the main approach for data collection and analysis, since this choice is dictated by the ability to research written sources and delve into the content of literature relevant to the research topic
In the development of this research, a comparison is made between the tax systems of Colombia and Estonia, focusing on the field of legal persons, its main objective is to compare the differences and similarities in the tax regimes of both countries with the intention of indicating how these affect companies and the economy as a whole. Its descriptive scope seeks to analyze the taxation of legal persons in the countries of Colombia and Estonia, allowing to know the generalities of the most relevant taxes according to the information collected, through the qualitative approach, this study helps to better understand the corporate tax in each country. investigated, considering each tax system from different angles, as well as the changes that may be convenient to apply in Colombia; documentary analysis was chosen as the main approach for data collection and analysis, since this choice is dictated by the ability to research written sources and delve into the content of literature relevant to the research topic
Comparar las diferencias y similitudes entre el Sistema Tributario de Colombia y de Estonia aplicado a las personas jurídicas
Sistemas tributarios,, personas jurídicas, Colombia, Estonia, Tax Systems, Estonia, Legal Persons