Expresión corporal: configurando una imagen, una experiencia desde la narrativa del adulto mayor
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
La presente investigación tiene un enfoque cualitativo con alcance descriptivo exploratorio, la cual busca determinar cómo incide la expresión corporal en el adulto mayor perteneciente al Gimnasio Moderno Ovide Decroly del municipio de Madrid Cundinamarca en el afianzamiento de la imagen corporal a través de talleres de sensibilización y posibilidad de movimientos. Se realizan 8 sesiones con un número de 8 sujetos, se recolectan datos por medio de notas de voz, videos y diarios de campo, los cuales brindan información para analizarse mediante el análisis del discurso, dejando como resultado una imagen corporal cambiante, esto según el contexto que obedece a las transformaciones y reglas culturales. El rechazo de la ancianidad deja una marca en negativa en la imagen corporal, como lo han planteado algunos autores. Sin embargo, la expresión corporal como estrategia para afianzar la imagen corporal, permite al adulto mayor descubrir o fortalecer capacidades y habilidades que aumentan el pensamiento crítico respecto a su rol dentro de la cultura y por ello se perciben de una manera positiva dentro de la sociedad.
This research has a qualitative approach with an exploratory descriptive scope, which seeks to determine how body expression affects the elderly belonging to the Modern Gymnasium Ovide Decroly of the municipality of Madrid Cundinamarca in the consolidation of body image through awareness and awareness workshops. possibility of movements. 8 sessions are carried out with a number of 8 subjects, data are collected through voice notes, videos and field diaries, which provide information to be analyzed through discourse analysis, leaving as a result a changing body image, this according to the context that obeys cultural transformations and rules. The rejection of old age leaves a negative mark on body image, as some authors have argued. However, body expression as a strategy to strengthen body image, allows the elderly to discover or strengthen capacities and abilities that increase critical thinking regarding their role within the culture and therefore are perceived in a positive way in society.
This research has a qualitative approach with an exploratory descriptive scope, which seeks to determine how body expression affects the elderly belonging to the Modern Gymnasium Ovide Decroly of the municipality of Madrid Cundinamarca in the consolidation of body image through awareness and awareness workshops. possibility of movements. 8 sessions are carried out with a number of 8 subjects, data are collected through voice notes, videos and field diaries, which provide information to be analyzed through discourse analysis, leaving as a result a changing body image, this according to the context that obeys cultural transformations and rules. The rejection of old age leaves a negative mark on body image, as some authors have argued. However, body expression as a strategy to strengthen body image, allows the elderly to discover or strengthen capacities and abilities that increase critical thinking regarding their role within the culture and therefore are perceived in a positive way in society.
Determinar la incidencia de la expresión corporal en el afianzamiento de la imagen corporal en el adulto mayor perteneciente al Gimnasio Moderno Ovide Decroly
Expresión corporal, Imagen corporal, Adulto mayor, Capacidades, Pensamiento crítico, Body Expression, Body image, Older adult, Abilities, Critical thinking