Habilidades sociales en practicantes de psicología de la Uniminuto Sede Buga.
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Buitrago Silva, Stefany
Escobar Munar, Angélica Maria
Murillo Mejia, Sara Melissa
Cruz Jaramillo , José Álvaro
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
El propósito de la investigación fue identificar las habilidades sociales en estudiantes de práctica psicológica de 10 semestre de la Uniminuto Sede Buga. Para el cumplimiento se estructuró un marco teórico con temas tales como la psicología social, su aplicación al campo educativo, las habilidades sociales, los procesos de comunicación, el aprendizaje, la habilidad social y en especial el entrenamiento en las habilidades sociales, entre otros postulados de investigaciones y autores como Curran (1985), Caballo (2012) y otros que ayudaron a consolidar el tema central del proyecto.
The purpose of the research was to identify social skills in psychological practice students from the 10th semester of the Uniminuto Buga campus. To comply with this, a theoretical framework was structured with topics such as social psychology, its application to the educational field, social skills, communication processes, learning and social skills and especially training in social skills, among other research postulates and authors such as Curran (1985), Caballo (2012), Shaffer and Kipp (2007) that helped to consolidate the central theme of the project.
The purpose of the research was to identify social skills in psychological practice students from the 10th semester of the Uniminuto Buga campus. To comply with this, a theoretical framework was structured with topics such as social psychology, its application to the educational field, social skills, communication processes, learning and social skills and especially training in social skills, among other research postulates and authors such as Curran (1985), Caballo (2012), Shaffer and Kipp (2007) that helped to consolidate the central theme of the project.
Identificar las habilidades sociales en estudiantes de práctica psicológica de 10 semestre de la Uniminuto Sede Buga.
Habilidades sociales, Asertividad, Auto expresiones, Interacción positiva, Escucha activa, Autocontrol emocional, Social skills, Self-expression, Positive interaction, Active listening and emotional self-control