Sistematización manual de buenas prácticas para la identificación de peligros en Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo de las regentes de farmacia en la empresa COOPSUMAPAZ
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
Durante el desarrollo de las prácticas profesionales en el primer periodo académico del año 2021-1, mediante la clasificación de vínculo laboral ejecute el apoyo a diferentes actividades del Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SG-SST) en la empresa COOPSUMAPAZ. En este proceso se implementaron en los diferentes espacios de la práctica acciones articuladas al plan anual de trabajo del SG-SST, entre ellas jornada de aseo aplicando el programa de las 5 “S” que se fundamenta en la parte de orden y aseo, esto se realizó en la sede administrativa logrando mejorar las condiciones de organización en la empresa. Seguido a ello se trabajó las pausas activas de relajación, didácticas, lúdicas y rítmicas con diferentes elementos de apoyo a los trabajadores tanto en la sede administrativa, como en la sede 2 y el centro de distribución. Así mismo se brindó el apoyo en las investigaciones de accidentes de trabajo, capacitaciones del autocuidado al empleado para prevenir lesiones o enfermedades laborales. La empresa COOPSUMAPAZ entre su Sistema de Gestión ya contaba con el diseño de la política de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo, lo cual contribuí en la publicación y divulgación en las sedes de la IPS y los puntos de dispensación que tiene a nivel Cundinamarca. Entre otras actividades se hizo el proceso de inventario de elementos de protección personal que utilizan los diferentes trabajadores con el fin de obtener el control de las existencias y las entregas oportunas de los mismos.
Por otra parte, se realizó las inspecciones de seguridad de áreas locativas, elementos de protección personal y elementos de emergencias tales como señalización de áreas, botiquines, extintores y camillas con la finalidad de entregar el informe y conocer las falencias frente a las adquisiciones para implementar las mejoras que se requieran. Así mismo se brindó él apoyó a la brigada de emergencia haciendo acompañamientos en las reuniones y
organizando la logística de las diferentes capacitaciones a todo el personal de COOPSUMAPAZ con el apoyo de la entidad de bomberos.
Por consiguiente, se hizo seguimiento a la matriz de verificación de condiciones de salud y las recomendaciones generadas por el medico laboral notificando a los trabajadores para que puedan ellos iniciar la ruta de valoración por parte de la EPS, por último, se logra la participación en las reuniones del comité de COPASST donde se sensibilizó a los integrantes de las condiciones inseguras y actos inseguros que pueden encontrar en su entorno laboral.
Sin embargo, todo lo anteriormente estipulado se ejecuta en la oficina principal de COOPSUMAPAZ, pero dichas actividades no se implementan en los diferentes puntos de dispensación donde se encuentran laborando las regentes de farmacia; generando así procesos de enfermedades laborales y accidentes de trabajo leves que podrían pasar hacer graves si no se tienen en cuenta los controles de los diferentes peligros que se encuentran expuestas las colaboradoras.
Por lo anterior se define estandarizar un manual de buenas prácticas para la identificación de peligros en Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo que va direccionado para implementar a las regentes de farmacia en la empresa COOPSUMAPAZ, con el objetivo de promover y concientizar de los riesgos a los que se encuentran expuestas en su entorno laboral, así mismo en este manual se diseñará medidas de intervención que permita mitigar los riesgos con el fin de prevenir enfermedades laborales y accidentes de trabajo.
During the development of professional practices in the first academic period of the year 2021-1, through the classification of employment relationship, execute the support to different activities of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SG-SST) in the company COOPSUMAPAZ. In this process, actions articulated to the SG-SST annual work plan were implemented in the different practice spaces, including a cleaning day applying the 5 “S” program that is based on the part of order and cleaning, this It was carried out at the administrative headquarters, improving the organizational conditions in the company. This was followed by active relaxation, didactic, playful and rhythmic breaks with different support elements for workers both in the administrative headquarters, as well as in headquarters 2 and the distribution center. Likewise, support was provided in workplace accident investigations, employee self-care training to prevent occupational injuries or illnesses. The company COOPSUMAPAZ among its Management System already had the design of the Occupational Health and Safety policy, which contributed to the publication and dissemination in the IPS headquarters and the dispensing points that it has at the Cundinamarca level. Among other activities, the inventory process of personal protection elements used by different workers was carried out in order to obtain control of stocks and their timely deliveries. On the other hand, security inspections of locative areas, personal protection elements and emergency elements such as signs of areas, medicine cabinets, fire extinguishers and stretchers were carried out in order to deliver the report and know the shortcomings in front of the acquisitions to implement the improvements that are required. Likewise, he supported the emergency brigade by accompanying the meetings and organizing the logistics of the different trainings for all COOPSUMAPAZ personnel with the support of the fire department. Consequently, the health conditions verification matrix and the recommendations generated by the occupational physician were followed up, notifying the workers so that they could initiate the assessment route by the EPS, finally, participation in COPASST committee meetings where members were made aware of the unsafe conditions and unsafe acts that they may encounter in their work environment. However, everything previously stipulated is carried out in the main office of COOPSUMAPAZ, but these activities are not implemented in the different dispensing points where the pharmacy regents are working; thus generating processes of occupational diseases and minor accidents at work that could become serious if the controls of the different dangers that the employees are exposed are not taken into account. For the above, it is defined to standardize a manual of good practices for the identification of hazards in Safety and Health at Work that is directed to implement the pharmacy managers in the company COOPSUMAPAZ, with the aim of promoting and raising awareness of the risks to the that are exposed in their work environment, likewise in this manual intervention measures will be designed to mitigate risks in order to prevent occupational diseases and accidents at work
During the development of professional practices in the first academic period of the year 2021-1, through the classification of employment relationship, execute the support to different activities of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SG-SST) in the company COOPSUMAPAZ. In this process, actions articulated to the SG-SST annual work plan were implemented in the different practice spaces, including a cleaning day applying the 5 “S” program that is based on the part of order and cleaning, this It was carried out at the administrative headquarters, improving the organizational conditions in the company. This was followed by active relaxation, didactic, playful and rhythmic breaks with different support elements for workers both in the administrative headquarters, as well as in headquarters 2 and the distribution center. Likewise, support was provided in workplace accident investigations, employee self-care training to prevent occupational injuries or illnesses. The company COOPSUMAPAZ among its Management System already had the design of the Occupational Health and Safety policy, which contributed to the publication and dissemination in the IPS headquarters and the dispensing points that it has at the Cundinamarca level. Among other activities, the inventory process of personal protection elements used by different workers was carried out in order to obtain control of stocks and their timely deliveries. On the other hand, security inspections of locative areas, personal protection elements and emergency elements such as signs of areas, medicine cabinets, fire extinguishers and stretchers were carried out in order to deliver the report and know the shortcomings in front of the acquisitions to implement the improvements that are required. Likewise, he supported the emergency brigade by accompanying the meetings and organizing the logistics of the different trainings for all COOPSUMAPAZ personnel with the support of the fire department. Consequently, the health conditions verification matrix and the recommendations generated by the occupational physician were followed up, notifying the workers so that they could initiate the assessment route by the EPS, finally, participation in COPASST committee meetings where members were made aware of the unsafe conditions and unsafe acts that they may encounter in their work environment. However, everything previously stipulated is carried out in the main office of COOPSUMAPAZ, but these activities are not implemented in the different dispensing points where the pharmacy regents are working; thus generating processes of occupational diseases and minor accidents at work that could become serious if the controls of the different dangers that the employees are exposed are not taken into account. For the above, it is defined to standardize a manual of good practices for the identification of hazards in Safety and Health at Work that is directed to implement the pharmacy managers in the company COOPSUMAPAZ, with the aim of promoting and raising awareness of the risks to the that are exposed in their work environment, likewise in this manual intervention measures will be designed to mitigate risks in order to prevent occupational diseases and accidents at work
Implementar en los diferentes espacios de la práctica acciones articuladas al plan anual de trabajo del SG-SST, entre ellas jornada de aseo aplicando el programa de las 5 “S” que se fundamenta en la parte de orden y aseo, esto se realizó en la sede administrativa logrando mejorar las condiciones de organización en la empresa.
Accidente de trabajo, Autocuidado, Enfermedad laboral, Peligro, Prevención, Riesgo, Seguridad y salud en el trabajo, Work accident, Self-care, Occupational disease, Danger, Prevention, Risk, Safety and health at work