Plan de capacitación basado en herramientas didácticas para prevenir la accidentalidad en auxiliares de ruta de la empresa Surenvios.
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
En la actualidad el índice de accidentalidad es una de las cosas que más preocupan a las compañías de nuestro país, la alta gerencia del sector del transporte en Colombia analiza los indicadores de gestión, especialmente el indicador de accidentalidad mes a mes notando que estos tienen tendencia a mantenerse en el tiempo y aumentar cada mes.
En Surenvios empresa de transporte de mercancias, el nivel de accidentalidad es en promedio 10% mensual para el cargo especifico de auxiliares rutas, lo que corresponde a 3 accidentes por mes teniendo una población de 29 auxiliares rutas, cifra que para el año 2018 cerró con un total de accidentes de auxiliares de Ruta de 17 personas, lo que representa un 59% para este cargo y al cierre del mes de abril se cerró con 7 accidentes para los auxiliares de ruta. Por consiguiente, el objetivo de este proyecto es proporcionar herramientas que sirvan de apoyo y permitan minimizar en un 7% la accidentalidad de los auxiliares rutas de Surenvios, en un plazo no superior a un año, las causas de los accidentes de trabajo de los colaboradores de la compañía es por el sobreesfuerzo fisico al levantamiento de carga y los tipos de lesiones más comúnes son el desgarre muscular y golpe por caidas de objetos aunque la empresa provee medios para minimizar este riesgo a través de capacitaciones y sensibilización al personal, los accidentes siguen presentandose. Por lo anteriormente descrito, se hace necesario investigar e intervenir la tasa de accidentalidad de los auxiliares de ruta y adoptar diferentes herramientas de capacitación a traves de herramientas didacticas que concienticen y mejoren el aprendizaje de los auxiliares de ruta frente a la alta accidentalidad que se presenta.
Today the accident rate is one of the issues which worry companies the most in our country, top management in the transport sector analyses management indicators, specially the monthly accident rate which tend to stay stable throughout time and increase monthly. At Surenvios, a company specialized in merchandise transportation, the accident rate is 10% for the position or route assistants, this corresponds to 3 accidents monthly for a population of 29 assistants. by the end of 2018 the total accidents rate of 17 route assistants, which represents 59% of the people in this position, and at the end of April there were 7 accidents. Therefore, the purpose of this project is to provide the necessary tools that will help as support and allow to minimize by 7% the accident rate of the route assistants at Surenvios, in a time frame of no more than a year. The cause of the wok related accidents in the company is due to the physical overstrain when lifting the load, and the most common injuries are muscular strain and blows due to fallen objects. Even thought, the company provides training to minimize this type of accidents, they continue to occur. As a consequence, it is necessary to research and intervene the accident rate of the route assistants and adopt different tools for training by using didactic methods that increase awareness and improve the learning process of route assistants in regards to accidents.
Today the accident rate is one of the issues which worry companies the most in our country, top management in the transport sector analyses management indicators, specially the monthly accident rate which tend to stay stable throughout time and increase monthly. At Surenvios, a company specialized in merchandise transportation, the accident rate is 10% for the position or route assistants, this corresponds to 3 accidents monthly for a population of 29 assistants. by the end of 2018 the total accidents rate of 17 route assistants, which represents 59% of the people in this position, and at the end of April there were 7 accidents. Therefore, the purpose of this project is to provide the necessary tools that will help as support and allow to minimize by 7% the accident rate of the route assistants at Surenvios, in a time frame of no more than a year. The cause of the wok related accidents in the company is due to the physical overstrain when lifting the load, and the most common injuries are muscular strain and blows due to fallen objects. Even thought, the company provides training to minimize this type of accidents, they continue to occur. As a consequence, it is necessary to research and intervene the accident rate of the route assistants and adopt different tools for training by using didactic methods that increase awareness and improve the learning process of route assistants in regards to accidents.
Diseñar un programa de capacitación basado en herramietas didácticas para disminuir accidentalidad en auxiliares de ruta de la empresa Surenvios.
Accidentalidad, Herramientas, Capacitaciones, Accidents, Tools, Didactic, Training