Estudio de Factibilidad para la Creación de la Empresa REPUBLIC COFFE la cual está Dedicada a la Producción y Distribución de Café Gourmet en el Municipio de Fresno-Tolima.

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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios




Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia


El café a nivel mundial ha sido de vital importancia durante la historia ya que se ha caracterizado en ser un producto con un nivel de aceptación muy alto y que ha logrado posicionarse a lo largo de los años como la bebida favorita en todos los países que hace presencia; esto ha convertido al café y sus derivados en productos de gran demanda y que hace que países como Colombia sea de los contribuyentes al mercado global. Teniendo en cuenta que el municipio de Fresno Tolima es un gran productor de café nació la idea de una alternativa diferente a la tradicional basada en resaltar los sabores del café con aditivos naturales que le den un toque diferencial y a su vez que sea atractivo al paladar de quienes lo consumen.
Coffee worldwide has been of vital importance throughout history since it has been characterized as a product with a very high level of acceptance and has managed to position itself over the years as the favorite drink in all the countries it makes. presence: this has turned coffee and its derivatives into products of great demand and that makes countries like Colombia one of the contributors to the global market. Considering that the municipality of Fresno Tolima is a large coffee producer, the idea of a different alternative to the traditional one was born, based on highlighting the flavors of the coffee with natural additives that give it a differential touch and at the same time make it attractive to the palate of those who consume it. It is expected with this business idea to generate an economic, social and cultural impact that not only generates a monetary income factor for us, but also an alternative for small coffee growers to have another place to sell their coffee without the long process of intermediaries. That this deserves it. The foregoing based on production standards in accordance with the demand that the public could have for the product and the capacity of machinery and raw material that guarantees the achievement of the production objectives that were set during the development of the project, to solidify a model of profitable and high-impact business


Desarrollar un estudio de factibilidad para evaluar la creación de la empresa REPUBLIC COFFE dedicada a la Producción y distribución de café gourmet en el municipio de Fresno-Tolima.


Factibilidad, Producción, Rentabilidad, Profitable business, Production, Raw material, Standards, Capacity, Acceptance, Derivatives