Incidencia de las prácticas comunicativas en el desarrollo comunitario de la copropiedad del megaproyecto de vivienda Hogares Soacha

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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios




Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia


Las dinámicas de construcción de vivienda a lo largo de varios municipios que hacen parte de la sabana de Bogotá, entre ellos Soacha, han venido respondiendo a una lógica de mercado que busca el mayor aprovechamiento del suelo teniendo en cuenta el número de viviendas que se puedan construir y las familias que pueden albergar. Desde esa perspectiva, la propiedad horizontal resulta ideal como forma de desarrollo de una ciudad que busca satisfacer las necesidades de vivienda de la comunidad, aprovechando al máximo el espacio, llegando a rozar con el mínimo de espacio personal para cada persona, para cada familia. Es un modelo de vivienda que durante los últimos años ha venido creciendo cada vez más y por el momento parece ser el único modelo de desarrollo que interesa a las entidades encargadas de la planeación y ejecución de los proyectos. El avance de los conjuntos y megaproyectos ha estado directamente relacionado con la transformación y deterioro de varios ecosistemas claves del municipio de Soacha, esa perspectiva de que el territorio funcionaba con las dinámicas de pueblo y todo el verde que lo caracterizaba ha sido convertido en torres de acero y cemento que poco a poco va subiendo la temperatura del entorno. Más allá de todo eso, lo primero siempre es la comunidad y allí llegaron a vivir, aún continúan llegando, nuevas familias sujetas a las dinámicas de las copropiedades y que se verán directamente afectadas por todo lo que significa el crecimiento acelerado de una población y a la vez la perdida de ecosistemas y recursos para la subsistencia de toda la comunidad. Si la infraestructura física y social del territorio no va a la par con el aumento de habitantes del municipio, la tensión y el conflicto se irán acumulando sin tener alternativas para ser tratados y evitar desembocar el comportamientos violentos.
The dynamics of housing construction throughout several municipalities that are part of the Bogotá savannah, including Soacha, have been responding to a market logic that seeks the best use of the land, taking into account the number of homes that can be built. build and the families they can house. From this perspective, horizontal property is ideal as a form of development for a city that seeks to meet the housing needs of the community, making the most of space, reaching the minimum of personal space for each person, for each family. It is a housing model that has been growing more and more in recent years and for the time being it seems to be the only development model that is of interest to the entities in charge of planning and executing projects. The progress of the complexes and megaprojects has been directly related to the transformation and deterioration of several key ecosystems in the municipality of Soacha, that perspective that the territory functioned with the dynamics of a town and all the green that characterized it has been converted into towers of steel and cement that gradually raises the temperature of the environment. Beyond all that, the first thing is always the community and there they came to live, still continue to arrive, new families subject to the dynamics of co-ownership and that will be directly affected by everything that the accelerated growth of a population means and the time the loss of ecosystems and resources for the subsistence of the entire community. If the physical and social infrastructure of the territory does not keep up with the increase in inhabitants of the municipality, tension and conflict will accumulate without having alternatives to be treated and avoid leading to violent behavior. Year after year, it is already seen that issues such as the lack of school places and congestion on the roads, including the main one, the southern highway, are issues that affect the entire community and that will continue to grow as more people come to live to the municipality and request services. The present investigation puts its emphasis on a specific topic, of all those that can be covered in the complexity that the community that lives in social interest housing under the horizontal property regime means. It seeks to know how effective the communicative practices that exist in the co-ownership are being, that includes any space or activity that implies dialogue and exchange with other people who share the same environment.Little is said about the subject and the knowledge that is produced, better now than ever to know what happens with a fundamental aspect for life, coexistence and integral development together with others, such as communication.


Describir la incidencia de las prácticas comunicativas en el desarrollo comunitario de la copropiedad del megaproyecto de vivienda Hogares Soacha.


Vivienda de interés social, Propiedad horizontal, Prácticas comunicativas, Desarrollo comunitario, Video participativo, social interest housing, horizontal property, communicative practices, community development, participatory video