La resignifcación social de las familias gramaloteras en el proceso de reasentamiento al nuevo casco urbano.

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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO




Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia


La investigación se centra en la teoría de la complejidad (con un mundo multidimensional), la teoría sistémica (con el tejido de las realidades existentes) y la teoría de redes sociales (en el universo de los vínculos e interacciones humanas). Se desarrolla bajo el enfoque cualitativo, el cual se definen como aquella investigación que: Estudia la realidad en su contexto natural, tal y como sucede, intentando sacar sentido de, o interpretar los fenómenos de acuerdo con los significados que tienen para las personas implicadas. La investigación cualitativa implica la utilización y recogida de una gran variedad de materiales—entrevista, experiencia personal, historias de vida, observaciones, textos históricos, imágenes, sonidos – que describen la rutina y las situaciones problemáticas y los significados en la vida de las personas (Rodríguez Gómez et al., 1996, p.32).
The present research project is entitled The social resignation of Gramalote families in the process of resettlement to the new urban area, which is developed as a requirement to qualify for the title: Specialist in family, childhood and adolescence, and focused on knowing how has been the social resignation of families in the process of resettlement of the urban center, which was developed in the municipality of Gramalote, belonging to the department Norte de Santander, Colombia, seven years after the environmental tragedy that occurred under the GIRL phenomenon in December 2010. This phenomenon forced families to leave their territory, sheltering in the city of Cucuta, capital of the Department and, in neighboring municipalities, as well as at the national level in different municipalities and cities. This situation altered the socio-economic, socio-cultural, socio-political, socioemotional and socio-relational factors in families. The general objective is to determine the social resignation of the Gramalotera family after the natural disaster and the specific objectives are to identify socio-economic, socio-cultural, socio-political, and socio-political factors emotional effects on Gramaloteras families in the process of resettlement to the new urban area. In the same way, the present research seeks to propose a model of intervention for the care of Gramaloteras families, with emphasis on accompanying social significance. The research focuses on the theory of complexity (with a multidimensional world), systemic theory (with the fabric of existing realities) and the theory of social networks (in the universe of human links and interactions). It is developed under the qualitative approach, which is defined as that research that: It studies reality in its natural context, as it happens, trying to make sense of, or interpret phenomena according to the meanings they have for the people involved. Qualitative research involves the use and collection of a wide variety of interview materials, personal experience, life 9 stories, observations, historical texts, images, sounds - describing routine and problematic situations and meanings in people’s lives (Rodríguez Gómez et al., 1996, p.32). This qualitative research was hermeneutical, typical of the social sciences, based on the interpretative paradigm, the experience of the alien, the possibility of establishing dialogue and the search for the different. It will take into account instruments for the collection of information such as, the survey and semi-structured interview conducted to families living in the urban area of the municipality of Gramalote.


Analizar la resignificación social de las familias en el proceso de reasentamiento al nuevo casco urbano del municipio de Gramalote.


Familia, Reasentamiento, Resignifcación Social, Family, Resettlement, Social Resignation