La competencia lectora como factor determinante en el rendimiento académico en estudiantes de grado cuarto
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
La presente investigación titulada “La competencia lectora como factor determinante en el rendimiento académico en estudiantes de grado cuarto” busca analizar el nivel de comprensión lectora y su relación con el rendimiento académico en los estudiantes de cuarto de primaria de una institución oficial, para fortalecer la competencia lectora a través de una ruta pedagógica de acompañamiento. Se realizó basada en el método cualitativo de investigación, con enfoque descriptivo de tipo inductivo, con una población de 60 estudiantes de cuarto de primaria y 10 docentes de la IED Rufino Cuervo del municipio de Chocontá, la información se recolectó a través de la aplicación de una prueba de lectura a los estudiantes, una encuesta a los docentes, una entrevista semiestructura a directivos docentes y una revisión documental de las actas de consejo académico, resultados de pruebas externas e internas y la estadística de los resultados académicos.
Entre los principales hallazgos se encontraron, un bajo nivel de comprensión lectora en el nivel inferencial y crítico, lo cual se refleja en los resultados académicos en las áreas de matemáticas español, naturales y sociales; también, que los factores que más inciden en el rendimiento académico son la comprensión lectora y el acompañamiento pedagógico del docente en el aula. Así se comprueban el supuesto de la investigación, que el nivel de desarrollo de la competencia lectora incide particularmente en el aprendizaje de las diferentes asignaturas y genera un impacto en el rendimiento escolar.
This research entitled "Reading competence as a determinant factor in academic performance in fourth grade students" seeks to analyze the level of reading comprehension and its relationship with academic performance in fourth grade students of an official institution, in order to strengthen reading competence through a pedagogical route lead by accompaniment. It was carried out based on the qualitative research, with a descriptive approach which uses an inductive inquiry process, with a sample of 60 students of fourth grade, and 10 teachers of the “IED Rufino Cuervo” from Chocontá municipality. Data was collected by applying: a reading test to the students; a survey to the teachers; a semi-structured interview to teaching directors, and a baseddesk review of the minutes from the academic council, results of external and internal tests, and statistics of the academic records. Among the main findings, it was found a low reading comprehension at the inferential and critical level, which is reflected in the academic records in the areas of mathematics, Spanish, natural and social sciences; also, the factors that most affect academic performance are reading comprehension and the pedagogical support of the teacher in the classroom. Thus, the research assumption is proven, since the reading comprehension particularly affects the student’s learning in different subjects and their school performance. Based on the results, a pedagogical accompaniment route was proposed to improve the methodology used by teachers in the classroom, and the teaching-learning process to strengthen the reading competence, and therefore the academic performance of the students.
This research entitled "Reading competence as a determinant factor in academic performance in fourth grade students" seeks to analyze the level of reading comprehension and its relationship with academic performance in fourth grade students of an official institution, in order to strengthen reading competence through a pedagogical route lead by accompaniment. It was carried out based on the qualitative research, with a descriptive approach which uses an inductive inquiry process, with a sample of 60 students of fourth grade, and 10 teachers of the “IED Rufino Cuervo” from Chocontá municipality. Data was collected by applying: a reading test to the students; a survey to the teachers; a semi-structured interview to teaching directors, and a baseddesk review of the minutes from the academic council, results of external and internal tests, and statistics of the academic records. Among the main findings, it was found a low reading comprehension at the inferential and critical level, which is reflected in the academic records in the areas of mathematics, Spanish, natural and social sciences; also, the factors that most affect academic performance are reading comprehension and the pedagogical support of the teacher in the classroom. Thus, the research assumption is proven, since the reading comprehension particularly affects the student’s learning in different subjects and their school performance. Based on the results, a pedagogical accompaniment route was proposed to improve the methodology used by teachers in the classroom, and the teaching-learning process to strengthen the reading competence, and therefore the academic performance of the students.
Analizar el nivel de comprensión lectora y su relación con el
rendimiento académico en los estudiantes de grado cuarto de la Institución Educativa Departamental Rufino Cuervo para fortalecer la competencia lectora a través de una ruta
pedagógica de acompañamiento
Comprensión lectora, Rendimiento escolar, Acompañamiento, Docente, Reading comprehension, Academic performance, Accompaniment, Teacher