Juego de mesa “Las cartas", estrategia de aprendizaje de los Principios de Leyes de Mendel
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Garzón, Martha Lucía
Cadena García, Héctor Remigio
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
Debido al aislamiento prolongado como medida ante el Covid-19, la educación se vio obligada a transcender de manera apresurada a la virtualidad, tomando fuerza la incursión de los videojuegos y la gamificación virtual como fuente importante de motivación al aprendizaje.
Pero a medida que el mundo retoma la presencialidad, el docente afronta retos como lograr evitar la deserción, mejorar los niveles de calidad y eficiencia educativa; obteniendo un aprendizaje significativo, fortaleciendo de nuevo las habilidades sociales y comunicativas fluidas mediante la sugerencia de modelos híbridos educativos.
Pretendiendo responder a estos nuevos retos educativos se plantea un proceso de investigación mixta, tejida con prácticas asociadas la metodología Desing Thinking para lograr establecer una estrategia de gamificación, propiciando el aprendizaje significativo de los principios de las Leyes de Mendel contempladas en el currículo de Ciencias Naturales en Básica Secundaria.
Durante la investigación se identifica que a través de la historia el juego es por excelencia una estrategia importante en el proceso de aprendizaje significativo y socialización; esto conlleva a incursionar en la exploración de juegos de mesa como estrategia de aprendizaje; obteniéndose como resultado el diseño de un prototipo de juego de cartas que contextualiza al estudiante a lograr comprender y aplicar los Principios de Leyes Mendelianas.
Due to the prolonged isolation as a measure against the Covid-19, education was forced to transcend in a hurry to virtuality, taking force the incursion of video games and virtual gamification as an important source of motivation for learning. But as the world returns to face-to-face learning, teachers face challenges such as avoiding dropout, improving the levels of quality and educational efficiency, obtaining meaningful learning, strengthening again the social and communicative skills through the suggestion of hybrid educational models. In order to respond to these new educational challenges, a mixed research process is proposed, woven with practices associated with the Desing Thinking methodology to establish a gamification strategy, promoting meaningful learning of the principles of Mendel's Laws contemplated in the curriculum of Natural Sciences in Basic Secondary Education. During the research it is identified that throughout history the game is par excellence an important strategy in the process of meaningful learning and socialization; this leads to venture into the exploration of board games as a learning strategy; resulting in the design of a prototype card game that contextualizes the student to achieve understanding and apply the Principles of Mendelian Laws.
Due to the prolonged isolation as a measure against the Covid-19, education was forced to transcend in a hurry to virtuality, taking force the incursion of video games and virtual gamification as an important source of motivation for learning. But as the world returns to face-to-face learning, teachers face challenges such as avoiding dropout, improving the levels of quality and educational efficiency, obtaining meaningful learning, strengthening again the social and communicative skills through the suggestion of hybrid educational models. In order to respond to these new educational challenges, a mixed research process is proposed, woven with practices associated with the Desing Thinking methodology to establish a gamification strategy, promoting meaningful learning of the principles of Mendel's Laws contemplated in the curriculum of Natural Sciences in Basic Secondary Education. During the research it is identified that throughout history the game is par excellence an important strategy in the process of meaningful learning and socialization; this leads to venture into the exploration of board games as a learning strategy; resulting in the design of a prototype card game that contextualizes the student to achieve understanding and apply the Principles of Mendelian Laws.
Aprendizaje Significativo, Pensamiento de Diseño, Juego de Cartas, Prototipo de Juego, Meaningful Learning, Genetic, Desing Thinking