Narrativas visuales para incentivar la enseñanza universitaria desde un modelo coeducativo en UNIMINUTO sede Soacha
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Barinas Cruz, Brayan Sebastian
Raigoso Contreras, Liliana Del Rosario
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
Los modelos educativos a través de los años se han visto enfrentados al despertar de nuevas
generaciones, siendo estas mucho más participativas al retar el proceso de aprendizaje en el que
están relacionadas. Además, es importante mencionar que la educación fue construida
históricamente por estructuras patriarcales y heteronormativas, que se han trasladado por
diferentes espacios entre ellos: la familia, el colegio y las universidades, territorios que hoy en
día están teniendo unas rupturas particulares.
Por lo tanto, es importante analizar las formas en las que se ha venido enseñando durante
diferentes etapas de la historia, para llegar finalmente a entender la necesidad que presentan estas
generaciones, específicamente en la universidad con relación a: ¿Cómo les están enseñando?
¿Qué están aprendiendo? pero sobre todo ¿Están aprendiendo desde una mirada con perspectiva
de género?
En ese sentido, mi investigación busca implementar una estrategia coeducativa, en la cual
por medio de la creación de un colectivo de dialogo abierto entre estudiantes y docentes de
UNIMINUTO Sede Soacha llamado: Educación X La Igualdad - Una reflexión para acercarnos a
la libertad, se puedan generar espacios de identificación de vivencias violentas, resignificación
de experiencias patriarcales y construcción de diálogos con perspectiva de género, por medio de
charlas y reflexiones basadas en enfoque de género
Educational models over the years have faced the awakening of new generations, being much more participatory in challenging the learning process in which they are related. In addition, it is important to mention that education was historically built by patriarchal and heteronormative structures, which have moved through different spaces between them: the family, the school and the universities, territories that today are having particular ruptures. Therefore, it is important to analyze the ways in which it has been taught during different stages of history, to finally come to understand the need presented by these generations, specifically in the university in relation to: How are they being taught? What are they learning? But above all, are they learning from a gender perspective? In this sense, my research seeks to implement a coeducational strategy, in which through the creation of a collective of open dialogue between students and teachers of UNIMINUTO Sede Soacha called: Education X Equality - A reflection to approach freedom, spaces can be created to identify violent experiences, resignify patriarchal experiences and build dialogues with a gender perspective, through talks and reflections based on a gender approach
Educational models over the years have faced the awakening of new generations, being much more participatory in challenging the learning process in which they are related. In addition, it is important to mention that education was historically built by patriarchal and heteronormative structures, which have moved through different spaces between them: the family, the school and the universities, territories that today are having particular ruptures. Therefore, it is important to analyze the ways in which it has been taught during different stages of history, to finally come to understand the need presented by these generations, specifically in the university in relation to: How are they being taught? What are they learning? But above all, are they learning from a gender perspective? In this sense, my research seeks to implement a coeducational strategy, in which through the creation of a collective of open dialogue between students and teachers of UNIMINUTO Sede Soacha called: Education X Equality - A reflection to approach freedom, spaces can be created to identify violent experiences, resignify patriarchal experiences and build dialogues with a gender perspective, through talks and reflections based on a gender approach
Coeducación, investigación creación, narrativas visuales