Annual Conference on Formative Research on EFL. Current trends in language teaching and teacher training.

dc.contributor.authorRincón Duarte, Yeny Lucía
dc.contributor.authorYepes González, Daniela Alexandra
dc.contributor.authorEspinosa Torres, Felipe
dc.contributor.authorVargas Rodríguez, Hugo Alejandro
dc.contributor.authorPatiño Palacios, Hernán Camilo
dc.contributor.authorCastro Gaona, July Viviana
dc.contributor.authorEljadue Fonseca, Elvis del Rosario
dc.contributor.authorTorres de la Hoz, Kelly
dc.contributor.authorConcha Vargas, Sebastián
dc.contributor.authorFonseca Parra, Juan Camilo
dc.contributor.authorFerrer Gómez, Geraldine
dc.contributor.authorMontero Tarquino, Laura Gabriela
dc.contributor.authorZemanate Papamija, Viky Tatiana
dc.contributor.authorOrozco Bravo, Laura Natalia
dc.coverage.spatialBogotá D.C.
dc.description.abstractThe conference papers of the Annual Conference on Formative Research on EFL. Current trends in language teaching and teacher training collect pedagogical experiences and research reports on language teaching, teaching practices and communication. Each paper invites the community of the language teaching field to reflect on the development of life skills, didactic competences, critical incidents and practice and the use of English in the communication of organizations. We expect to make visible those innovative experiences and enrich the practice and knowledge of the ELT community.
dc.format.medium95 páginas
dc.identifier.citationRincón, Y., Yepes, D., Espinosa, F., Vargas, H., Patiño, H., Castro, J., Eljadue, E., Torres, K., Concha, S., Fonseca, J., Ferrer, G., Montero, L., Zemanate, V., y Orozco, L. (2022). Annual Conference on Formative Research on EFL. Current trends in language teaching and teacher training. Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO.
dc.identifier.instnameinstname:Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
dc.identifier.reponamereponame:Colecciones Digitales Uniminuto
dc.publisherCorporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO
dc.publisher.departmentUNIMINUTO Rectoría Bogotá
dc.rights.localOpen Access
dc.subjectTeaching practicum
dc.subjectForeign language
dc.subjectForeign language professors
dc.subjectDidactic competencies
dc.subjectTeaching- learning
dc.subjectReflective practice
dc.subject.lembAprendizaje - Investigaciones
dc.subject.lembInglés - Estudio y enseñanza
dc.subject.lembMétodos de enseñanza - Estudio de casos
dc.subject.lembEducación superior - Estudio de casos
dc.titleAnnual Conference on Formative Research on EFL. Current trends in language teaching and teacher training.
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