Wawakunapak Yachahuna Wasi: Trenzando saberes ancestrales, educación e identidad
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
El presente proyecto de investigación surge de una revisión documental, que consolida un panorama de reflexión desde el que se analiza de qué forma los saberes ancestrales del pueblo Kichwa de la localidad de Engativá, tienen una incidencia en el modelo pedagógico implementado en la casa de pensamiento intercultural Wawakunapak Yachahuna Wasi, con el fin de comprender los procesos de identidad cultural. Adicionalmente, su relevancia, su experiencia de formación y la implementación de un modelo pedagógico que en perspectiva constructivista recoge el sentir y el valor histórico de los saberes ancestrales como categoría clave en la resignificación de experiencias de vida que van marcando desde la cultura un desarrollo vital para las futuras generaciones del pueblo Kichwa. Por otra parte, la reflexión pertinente sobre la transformación de los modelos coloniales de educación, propician oportunidades de cambio social, que dan cabida al análisis de formas no tradicionales de educación que reconocen el valor de los legados culturales
This research project arises from a documentary review, which consolidates a panorama of reflection from which it is analyzed in what way the ancestral knowledge of the Kichwa people of the town of Engativá, has an impact on the pedagogical model implemented in the house of thought intercultural Wawakunapak Yachahuna Wasi, in order to understand the processes of cultural identity. Additionally, its relevance, its training experience and the implementation of a pedagogical model that from a constructivist perspective includes the feeling and historical value of ancestral knowledge as a key category in the redefinition of life experiences that are marking a vital development from the culture for future generations of the Kichwa people. On the other hand, the pertinent reflection on the transformation of the colonial models of education, propitiate opportunities for social change, which give room to the analysis of non – traditional forms of education that recognize the value of cultural
This research project arises from a documentary review, which consolidates a panorama of reflection from which it is analyzed in what way the ancestral knowledge of the Kichwa people of the town of Engativá, has an impact on the pedagogical model implemented in the house of thought intercultural Wawakunapak Yachahuna Wasi, in order to understand the processes of cultural identity. Additionally, its relevance, its training experience and the implementation of a pedagogical model that from a constructivist perspective includes the feeling and historical value of ancestral knowledge as a key category in the redefinition of life experiences that are marking a vital development from the culture for future generations of the Kichwa people. On the other hand, the pertinent reflection on the transformation of the colonial models of education, propitiate opportunities for social change, which give room to the analysis of non – traditional forms of education that recognize the value of cultural
Analizar cómo los saberes ancestrales del pueblo Kichwa de la localidad de Engativá, han
incidido en la implementación del modelo pedagógico, dirigido a los niños y niñas de 0 a 3 años
vinculados en la Casa de Pensamiento Intercultural Wawakunapak Yachahuna Wasi, para comprender
los procesos de reconocimiento de su identidad cultural durante el año 2019.
Saber Ancestral, Legado Cultural, Pedagogía, Cultura, Ancestral knowledge, Cultural Legacy, Pedagogy