Optimización del almacenamiento de productos terminados en empresa textil de Medellín
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Trabajo de Investigación e Innovación
Acceso Abierto - http://purl.org/coar/access_right/c_abf2
En el competitivo entorno empresarial, la gestión eficiente del almacenamiento se ha convertido en un factor crucial para la sostenibilidad y competitividad de las organizaciones. Los avances tecnológicos han permitido a las empresas optimizar sus procesos logísticos, mejorando la eficiencia operativa mediante sistemas de control avanzados y equipos de manipulación modernos. Sin embargo, equilibrar la disponibilidad de productos con la utilización óptima del espacio sigue siendo un desafío significativo. Este estudio aborda la problemática de la gestión de inventarios en una empresa textil de Medellín, un sector caracterizado por la alta variabilidad en la demanda de productos y la rápida evolución de las tendencias de moda. Los productos de temporada y moda presentan desafíos particulares debido a sus fluctuaciones en la demanda y la necesidad de gestionar una amplia gama de variantes en colores y tallas. Estos factores complican la disposición espacial y la organización eficiente de los inventarios. Para enfrentar estos desafíos, se llevó a cabo una caracterización detallada de los procesos actuales y las problemáticas específicas de la empresa. A partir de esta caracterización, la investigación propuso soluciones para optimizar el almacenamiento de productos terminados, enfocándose en la implementación de sistemas de inventario más eficientes y en la mejora de la distribución dentro del almacén. El objetivo es reducir los costos asociados a la obsolescencia de productos desfasados y mejorar la capacidad de respuesta de la empresa ante las demandas del mercado. A través del análisis de los procesos actuales y la aplicación de metodologías adecuadas, se diseñarán estrategias para una gestión más ágil y precisa del inventario. Basándose en este análisis, se desarrolló una propuesta de implementación de la metodología más adecuada para la empresa. Esta propuesta tiene como objetivo demostrar cómo una gestión eficiente del almacenamiento puede mejorar significativamente la competitividad y sostenibilidad de la empresa textil objeto de estudio, proporcionando un modelo aplicable que aborde sus problemáticas específicas. La optimización sugerida no solo pretende incrementar la rentabilidad, sino también garantizar una respuesta rápida y efectiva a las dinámicas cambiantes del mercado.
In the competitive business environment, efficient warehouse management has become a crucial factor for the sustainability and competitiveness of organizations. Technological advances have enabled companies to optimize their logistics processes, improving operational efficiency through advanced control systems and modern handling equipment. However, balancing product availability with optimal space utilization remains a significant challenge. This study addresses the issue of inventory management in a textile company in Medellín, an industry characterized by high variability in product demand and rapidly changing fashion trends. Seasonal and fashion products present particular challenges due to fluctuations in demand and the need to manage a wide range of color and size variants. These factors complicate the spatial layout and efficient organization of inventories. To address these challenges, a detailed characterization of the company's current processes and specific issues was carried out. Based on this characterization, the research proposed solutions to optimize the storage of finished products, focusing on the implementation of more efficient inventory systems and improved distribution within the warehouse. The objective is to reduce the costs associated with the obsolescence of outdated products and improve the company's responsiveness to market demands. Through the analysis of current processes and the application of appropriate methodologies, strategies will be designed for a more agile and accurate inventory management. Based on this analysis, a proposal was developed to implement the most appropriate methodology for the company. This proposal aims to demonstrate how efficient warehouse management can significantly improve the competitiveness and sustainability of the textile company under study, providing an applicable model that addresses its specific problems. The suggested optimization aims not only to increase profitability, but also to guarantee a quick and effective response to the changing dynamics of the market.
In the competitive business environment, efficient warehouse management has become a crucial factor for the sustainability and competitiveness of organizations. Technological advances have enabled companies to optimize their logistics processes, improving operational efficiency through advanced control systems and modern handling equipment. However, balancing product availability with optimal space utilization remains a significant challenge. This study addresses the issue of inventory management in a textile company in Medellín, an industry characterized by high variability in product demand and rapidly changing fashion trends. Seasonal and fashion products present particular challenges due to fluctuations in demand and the need to manage a wide range of color and size variants. These factors complicate the spatial layout and efficient organization of inventories. To address these challenges, a detailed characterization of the company's current processes and specific issues was carried out. Based on this characterization, the research proposed solutions to optimize the storage of finished products, focusing on the implementation of more efficient inventory systems and improved distribution within the warehouse. The objective is to reduce the costs associated with the obsolescence of outdated products and improve the company's responsiveness to market demands. Through the analysis of current processes and the application of appropriate methodologies, strategies will be designed for a more agile and accurate inventory management. Based on this analysis, a proposal was developed to implement the most appropriate methodology for the company. This proposal aims to demonstrate how efficient warehouse management can significantly improve the competitiveness and sustainability of the textile company under study, providing an applicable model that addresses its specific problems. The suggested optimization aims not only to increase profitability, but also to guarantee a quick and effective response to the changing dynamics of the market.
Warehousing, Inventory System, Logistics Optimization, Cost Reduction, Competitiveness, Almacenamiento, Sistema de inventario, Optimización Logística, Reducción de Costos, Competitividad.