Adicion de fibras en aluminio, para construccion de concreto en Cundinamarca.
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CorporaciĆ³n Universitaria Minuto de Dios
AtribuciĆ³n-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
El presente trabajo de investigacion se realiza con el objetivo de proponer un diseno una mezcla de concreto con adiciones de fibras de aluminio reciclado que generen mas adherencia y
resistencia al concreto para mitigar las posibles fallas por fisura a temprana edad, para ser
aplicada en sobre pisos de construcciones de obra civil.
Se realiza la dosificacion para adicionar las fibras de aluminio reciclado con los siguientes
porcentajes: 3%, 6%, 9% y 12%; aplicando el ensayo a compresion de cilindros en el cual se realizan 12 cilindros de concreto y son fallados a los 7, 14 y 28 dias; estos resultados se
comparan y analizan para conocer el porcentaje optimo de inclusion alcanzando la mayor resistencia a compresion. La resistencia a compresion deseada es de 3000 PSI.
Se concluye que, el porcentaje de adicion de fibras de aluminio reciclado que presento mejor comportamiento a la resistencia a la compresi6n a los 28 dias fue el de 6% arrojando 3100 PSI. El costo total de 1m3 de concreto con adicion de 6% de fibra de aluminio es de $352.140, es decir que respecto al concreto tradicional se incrementa en un 31% su valor. Esto quiere decir que al adicionar las fibras de aluminio aporta mayor resistencia que el concreto tradicional, lo cual es un factor positivo para ser aplicado en sobre pisos de construcciones como en
parqueaderos, ademas de esto tambien se esta mitigando la contaminacion ambiental
The present research work is carried out with the objective of proposing a design a mixture of concrete with additions of recycled aluminum fibers that generate more adherence and resistance to concrete to mitigate possible failures due to cracks at an early age, to be applied on floors of civil works constructions. The dosage is carried out to add the recycled aluminum fibers with the following percentages: 3%, 6%, 9% and 12%; applying the cylinder compression test in which 12 concrete cylinders are performed and they are failed at 7, 14 and 28 days; These results are compared and analyzed to know the optimum inclusion percentage reaching the highest compressive strength. Desired compressive strength is 3000 PSI. It is concluded that the percentage of addition of recycled aluminum fibers that presented better performance to compressive strength at 28 days was 6%, yielding 3100 PSI. The total cost of 1m3 of concrete with the addition of 6% aluminum fiber is $ 352,140, that is, its value increases by 31% compared to traditional concrete. This means that by adding aluminum fibers it provides greater resistance than traditional concrete, which is a positive factor to be applied on construction floors as well as in parking lots, in addition to this, environmental pollution is also being mitigated.
The present research work is carried out with the objective of proposing a design a mixture of concrete with additions of recycled aluminum fibers that generate more adherence and resistance to concrete to mitigate possible failures due to cracks at an early age, to be applied on floors of civil works constructions. The dosage is carried out to add the recycled aluminum fibers with the following percentages: 3%, 6%, 9% and 12%; applying the cylinder compression test in which 12 concrete cylinders are performed and they are failed at 7, 14 and 28 days; These results are compared and analyzed to know the optimum inclusion percentage reaching the highest compressive strength. Desired compressive strength is 3000 PSI. It is concluded that the percentage of addition of recycled aluminum fibers that presented better performance to compressive strength at 28 days was 6%, yielding 3100 PSI. The total cost of 1m3 of concrete with the addition of 6% aluminum fiber is $ 352,140, that is, its value increases by 31% compared to traditional concrete. This means that by adding aluminum fibers it provides greater resistance than traditional concrete, which is a positive factor to be applied on construction floors as well as in parking lots, in addition to this, environmental pollution is also being mitigated.
Proponer una adicion de fibras de aluminio reciclado que genre mas adherencia y resistencia al concreto para mitigar las posibles fallas por fisura a temprana edad, en las construcciones de concreto implementado de sobre pisos en Cundinamarca.
Concreto, Fibras de aluminio, Resistencia, Reciclaje., Concrete, Aluminum fibers, Resistance, Recycling