Narrar – pensar – sintiendo el territorio a través del arte: cartografías de las narrativas sensibles sobre el cuerpo-territorio a partir de los saberes de la Escuela de Artes y Oficios La Maraña
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Castañeda Suarez, Luis Bernardo
Lora, Patricia
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
Narrar – pensar – sintiendo el territorio a través del arte: cartografías de las
narrativas sensibles sobre el cuerpo-territorio a partir de los saberes de la
Escuela de Artes y Oficios La Maraña, es una investigación – creación que pretende
ser punto de partida para recuperar las memorias campesinas, ancestrales e
identitarias y evidenciar los dispositivos pedagógicos – artísticos que utilizan los
profesores en sus talleres de danza, teatro, música, artes plásticas y oficios
tradicionales, con un resultado artístico – audiovisual desde el desarrollo de encuentros
- taller de cartografías narrativas.
Entendiendo el cuerpo-territorio desde una perspectiva sensible - creativa, para
que se convierta en semilla de arte y reivindicación poética.
Está ubicada en la vereda de El Verjón de Teusacá que hace parte de una
reserva ambiental en los Cerros Orientales de nuestra capital Bogotá, justo detrás de
Monserrate y Guadalupe cerros tutelares, vía a Choachí, en el kilómetro once, lugar de
paisajes de colores, formas, animales, flora característicos de páramo
Narrating - thinking - feeling the territory through art: cartographies of sensitive narratives on the body-territory from the knowledge of the La Maraña School of Arts and Crafts, is a research - creation that aims to be a starting point to recover peasant, ancestral and identity memories and to show the pedagogical - artistic devices. School of Arts and Crafts La Maraña, is a research - creation that aims to be a starting point to recover the rural, ancestral and identity memories and to show the pedagogical - artistic devices used by teachers in their workshops of dance, theater, music, plastic arts and traditional crafts, with an artistic - audiovisual result from the development of meetings - workshop of narrative cartographies. Understanding the body-territory from a sensitive-creative perspective, so that it becomes a seed of art and poetic vindication. It is located in the village of El Verjón de Teusacá, which is part of an environmental reserve in the eastern hills of our capital Bogotá, just behind Monserrate and Guadalupe tutelary hills, on the road to Choachí, at kilometer eleven, a place of landscapes of colors, shapes, animals, and flora characteristic of the páramo.
Narrating - thinking - feeling the territory through art: cartographies of sensitive narratives on the body-territory from the knowledge of the La Maraña School of Arts and Crafts, is a research - creation that aims to be a starting point to recover peasant, ancestral and identity memories and to show the pedagogical - artistic devices. School of Arts and Crafts La Maraña, is a research - creation that aims to be a starting point to recover the rural, ancestral and identity memories and to show the pedagogical - artistic devices used by teachers in their workshops of dance, theater, music, plastic arts and traditional crafts, with an artistic - audiovisual result from the development of meetings - workshop of narrative cartographies. Understanding the body-territory from a sensitive-creative perspective, so that it becomes a seed of art and poetic vindication. It is located in the village of El Verjón de Teusacá, which is part of an environmental reserve in the eastern hills of our capital Bogotá, just behind Monserrate and Guadalupe tutelary hills, on the road to Choachí, at kilometer eleven, a place of landscapes of colors, shapes, animals, and flora characteristic of the páramo.
Narrativas Sensibles, Cartografías Narrativas, Arte, Cuerpo Territorio, Investigación, Creación, Sensitive Narratives, Narrative cartographies, Art