Estrategias de tratamiento descentralizado para aguas lluvias - filtración
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Melo Benavides, Erika Andrea
Sisa Lancheros, Daniel Camilo
Hernández Romero, Jenny Andrea
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
En Colombia, el porcentaje poblacional que no tiene acceso al servicio de agua potable es alto y significativo, la falta de este recurso en gran parte del territorio nacional es una problemática que afecta cada día más, y, que aun cuando se ha tratado de mitigar en los últimos tiempos, es un problema que sigue afectando la salud y calidad de vida de muchos colombianos. La reutilización de aguas podría convertirse en un factor determinante en el objetivo de mitigar a gran escala dicha problemática, es un método que podría funcionar como una herramienta eficaz para mejorar significativamente la calidad de vida de muchos colombianos, específicamente para las regiones donde el acceso a agua potable es nulo o limitado. Es por eso que en esta investigación se plantea diseñar una solución para el tratamiento descentralizado de aguas lluvias mediante filtración, de esta manera, diseñando y construyendo diversos filtros con distintos lechos filtrantes, se evaluará la eficiencia de remoción de los parámetros básicos encontrados en el agua según el decreto 2115 de 2007, estos parámetros son: pH, color, turbiedad y coliformes totales. Se busca de esta manera seleccionar cual combinación de materiales es la más viable tanto técnica como económicamente. Esta solución se adecúa al colegio Antonio Ricaurte en el municipio de Riosucio, Chocó, como una alternativa para reutilización de agua lluvia que sea apta para consumo humano.
In Colombia, the population percentage that doesn’t have access to the drinking water service its high and significant, the lack of this resource in much of the national territory it’s a problem that affects every day more, and, that even when it has been tried to mitigate in recent times, it’s a problem that continues to affect the health and quality life of many Colombians. The water reuse could become in a determining factor in order to mitigate this problem on a large scale, it’s a method that could work as an effective tool to improve significantly the quality life of many Colombians, specifically for regions where the access to drinking water is nil or limited. That’s why this research aims to design a solution for decentralized rainwater treatment through filtration, in this way, designing and building various filters with different filter beds, the removal efficiency of the basic parameters present in the water will be evaluated according to the decree 2115 of 2007, these parameters are: pH, color, turbidity and total coliforms. In this way, its sought to select which material’s combination is the most viable both economically and technically. This solution is suitable for Antonio Ricaurte School in the municipality of Riosucio, Chocó, as an alternative of reuse of rainwater that is suitable for human consumption.
In Colombia, the population percentage that doesn’t have access to the drinking water service its high and significant, the lack of this resource in much of the national territory it’s a problem that affects every day more, and, that even when it has been tried to mitigate in recent times, it’s a problem that continues to affect the health and quality life of many Colombians. The water reuse could become in a determining factor in order to mitigate this problem on a large scale, it’s a method that could work as an effective tool to improve significantly the quality life of many Colombians, specifically for regions where the access to drinking water is nil or limited. That’s why this research aims to design a solution for decentralized rainwater treatment through filtration, in this way, designing and building various filters with different filter beds, the removal efficiency of the basic parameters present in the water will be evaluated according to the decree 2115 of 2007, these parameters are: pH, color, turbidity and total coliforms. In this way, its sought to select which material’s combination is the most viable both economically and technically. This solution is suitable for Antonio Ricaurte School in the municipality of Riosucio, Chocó, as an alternative of reuse of rainwater that is suitable for human consumption.
Diseñar una solución técnica de filtración para tratamiento de agua lluvia basado en la configuración de un lecho filtrante que garantice la eficiencia de remoción de los diferentes parámetros básicos según la Resolución 2115 de 2007.
Filtración, Aguas lluvias, Lechos filtrantes, Tratamiento descentralizado, Parámetros, Materiales, Filtration, Rainwater, Filter beds, Parameters, Decentralized treatment, Materials