Prototipo de una aplicación web móvil para la toma de pedidos de supermercados.

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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios




Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia


El presente proyecto consistió en el desarrollo de una aplicación web móvil para la toma de pedidos del supermercado Girasoles en Villavicencio, que tiene como objetivo brindar una solución a una problemática sentida, como es la inconformidad de los clientes al momento de realizar un pedido a domicilio, lo cual conlleva también a que los supermercados vean disminuir sus ingresos e incluso pérdida en su clientela, como también ha afectado su buen nombre ya que algunos clientes se manifiestan inconformes con el servicio prestado y abren la posibilidad de que se afecte la reputación del negocio. Asimismo, es importante mencionar que, a través de esta aplicación, los clientes contarán con ventajas como poder solicitar el pedido desde casa y de esta forma realizar las compras y protegerse en épocas de dificultades similares a las vividas durante la pandemia.
This project consisted in the development of a mobile web application for taking orders from the Girasoles supermarket in Villavicencio, which aims to provide a solution to a problem based on the dissatisfaction of customers when placing an order at home, which also leads supermarkets to see their income decrease and even decrease in customers, as has also affected their good name since some customers express dissatisfaction with the service provided and they open the possibility that the reputation of the business is affected. In addition, it is important to mention that, through this application, customers will have advantages such as being able to order from home and thus make purchases and protect themselves in times of difficulties like those experienced during the pandemic. On the other hand, the entire development process of this project was carried out using the XP methodology, short for Extreme Programming which allowed the development of the application in a fast and functional way. So, the importance of this application is that it will allow the Girasoles supermarket to obtain new customers, orders will be easier for employees to take, and there will be no problems due to loss of information, since the application developed has copies of security. All this in order to allow employees to speed up their work and in this way, they can deliver the address as soon as possible.


¿Cómo desarrollar una aplicación web móvil para la toma de pedidos de un supermercado de la ciudad de Villavicencio?


Pedidos, direcciones, supermercados, aplicación móvil., Orders, addresses, supermarkets, application