Sistematización de aprendizaje de la práctica profesional en el diseño de la Guía de Procedimientos del Área Comercial de la empresa SysCafé en la ciudad de Ibagué
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Toledo Jiménez, Leidi Johana
Rodríguez Pira, Gloria Astrid
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
La presente sistematización se realizó con la finalidad de poder reconstruir, analizar y reflexionar sobre el proceso vivido en el desarrollo de la práctica profesional llevada a cabo en la empresa SysCafé donde se elaboró la guía de procedimientos comerciales el cual fue un manual de 160 páginas donde se describieron a detalle los 15 procedimientos que se desarrollan en el área comercial. Esta se diseñó, elaboró e implementó en cuatro meses donde se recolectó información por medio de instrumentos, lo que permitió adquirir nuevos conocimientos a partir de las experiencias recolectadas, se enfrentaron retos, oportunidades y exigencias que aportaron a la vida laboral y profesional del estudiante. La sistematización se llevó a cabo por medio de la metodología de Oscar Jara quien indica que esta es la interpretación critica de la experiencia que a partir de su reconstrucción explica la lógica de lo vivido. Se utilizó un tipo de investigación cualitativo donde se analizaron las actividades que se llevan a cabo para la realización de un procedimiento, recolectando información por medio de la entrevista no estructurada, la observación y la revisión de documentación, utilizando una metodología descriptiva donde se relata a detalle cada actividad que involucra el procedimiento dejando como resultado un manual de procedimientos estructurado que fue un gran aporte a la empresa.
This systematization was carried out with the purpose of reconstructing, analyzing and reflecting on the process experienced in the development of the professional practice carried out in the company SysCafé, where the commercial procedures guide was prepared, which was a 160-page manual describing in detail the 15 procedures that are developed in the commercial área. This was designed, elaborated and implemented in four months where information was collected by means of instruments, which allowed acquiring new knowledge from the collected experiences, challenges, opportunities and demands that contributed to the student's working and professional life were faced. The systematization was carried out by means of the methodology of Oscar Jara, who indicates that this is the critical interpretation of the experience that, from its reconstruction, explains the logic of what was lived. A qualitative type of research was used to analyze the activities that are carried out to perform a procedure, collecting information through unstructured interviews, observation and review of documentation, using a descriptive methodology where each activity involved in the procedure is described in detail, resulting in a structured procedures manual that was a great contribution to the company.
This systematization was carried out with the purpose of reconstructing, analyzing and reflecting on the process experienced in the development of the professional practice carried out in the company SysCafé, where the commercial procedures guide was prepared, which was a 160-page manual describing in detail the 15 procedures that are developed in the commercial área. This was designed, elaborated and implemented in four months where information was collected by means of instruments, which allowed acquiring new knowledge from the collected experiences, challenges, opportunities and demands that contributed to the student's working and professional life were faced. The systematization was carried out by means of the methodology of Oscar Jara, who indicates that this is the critical interpretation of the experience that, from its reconstruction, explains the logic of what was lived. A qualitative type of research was used to analyze the activities that are carried out to perform a procedure, collecting information through unstructured interviews, observation and review of documentation, using a descriptive methodology where each activity involved in the procedure is described in detail, resulting in a structured procedures manual that was a great contribution to the company.
Diseñar la guía de procedimientos comerciales con el fin de estandarizar los procesos para facilitar la inducción y ejecución de las actividades de los colaboradores del área comercial de la empresa SysCafé en la ciudad de Ibagué.
Sistematización, practica, procedimientos, manual, experiencia, Systematization, practice, manual, experience