El riesgo psicosocial en la Organización “N” y su importancia en la productividad de la organización
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Calvo Castro, José Gabriel
Lucumi Cantoñi, Gina Constanza
Reina Vanegas, Henry Sloane
Rojas Rojas, Oscar Giovanny
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
El desarrollo de proyectos en la actualidad requiere la habilidad de adaptación de las empresas en un mundo cambiante, uno de los elementos esenciales en este proceso es, el equipo de colaboradores. En toda organización se deben formar líderes capaces de generar estrategias para innovar desde el talento humano, asegurando su permanencia y proyección en los mercados. Por lo que analizar el equipo de Colaboradores es vital para promocionar la Innovación. El Riesgo Psicosocial, definido por la OMS (OMS, 2010, p. 29). como la posibilidad que ocurra efecto sicológico negativo alguno a los colaboradores de una empresa, debido a situaciones que se presenten en el trabajo, medio ambiente, satisfacción laboral y/o condiciones organizativas. En la actualidad, se considera que son Riesgos psicosociales: El estrés laboral, la fatiga (Bournot), la violencia en el trabajo y el acoso laboral (Moobing). En la presente investigación se identificaron los factores de riesgo psicosocial presentes en la Organización “N” que generan una respuesta de estrés laboral en sus colaboradores. Esto previendo a la necesidad de tomar medidas preventivas y correctivas para disminuir los niveles de riesgo psicosocial que producen consecuencias negativas en la salud y el desempeño de sus funciones. Se encontró que los factores de riesgo psicosocial intralaboral más altos son aquellos relacionados con la jornada laboral y el liderazgo dentro de la organización.
Nowadays project development requires companies to have the ability to adapt in a changing world, one of the most important elements of the process is the working teams. Every company needs to for leaders capable of generating innovative strategies involving human resources, to assure its permanence and projections in the market. Thus, is vital to analyze the working team to promote innovation. Psychosocial risk is defined by the WHO (OMS, 2010, p. 29), as the possibility of any negative psychological effects happening to the collaborators in a company due to circumstances within the job, its environment and the satisfaction it creates. At present, the psychosocial risks are considered to include work stress, burnout, work violence and mobbing. This study identified the psychosocial risk factors present in Organization "N" that generate a work stress response in its collaborators. This anticipating the need to take preventive and corrective measures to reduce the psychosocial risk levels that produce negative consequences in the workers' health and their work performance. It was found that the highest intra-occupational psychosocial risk factors are those related to the work schedule and the leadership within the organization. Strategies such as the switch to a transformational leadership model and agile methodologies to increase the organization's efficiency and to counteract detrimental effects in the collaborators, therefore improving the performance of the organization and customer satisfaction
Nowadays project development requires companies to have the ability to adapt in a changing world, one of the most important elements of the process is the working teams. Every company needs to for leaders capable of generating innovative strategies involving human resources, to assure its permanence and projections in the market. Thus, is vital to analyze the working team to promote innovation. Psychosocial risk is defined by the WHO (OMS, 2010, p. 29), as the possibility of any negative psychological effects happening to the collaborators in a company due to circumstances within the job, its environment and the satisfaction it creates. At present, the psychosocial risks are considered to include work stress, burnout, work violence and mobbing. This study identified the psychosocial risk factors present in Organization "N" that generate a work stress response in its collaborators. This anticipating the need to take preventive and corrective measures to reduce the psychosocial risk levels that produce negative consequences in the workers' health and their work performance. It was found that the highest intra-occupational psychosocial risk factors are those related to the work schedule and the leadership within the organization. Strategies such as the switch to a transformational leadership model and agile methodologies to increase the organization's efficiency and to counteract detrimental effects in the collaborators, therefore improving the performance of the organization and customer satisfaction
Estimar los factores de riesgo psicosocial presentes en la Organización “N” y proponer cómo mitigar su impacto en la productividad de la empresa.
Riesgo psicosocial, Productividad, Gerencia