Sistematización de la experiencia y desarrollo del proyecto de emprendimiento Innova Central Home (ICH) dentro de las prácticas profesionales

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Castañeda Latorre, Yeimy Vanessa
Sánchez Buitrago, Duván Jesús


González León, Carlos Orlando
González León, Carlos Orlando


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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios




Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia


Los aprendizajes, enseñanzas y obstáculos que se obtuvieron dentro del proceso de prácticas profesionales, fueron muy significativos, debido a que el desarrollo de cada fase del proyecto permitió adquirir experiencia en diferentes ámbitos, en lo personal, lo profesional y en el área disciplinar en que se trabajó con el emprendimiento ICH, incidiendo así en el mejoramiento de cada uno de ellos y así mismo resaltando los aprendizajes generados en los futuros administradores de empresas. De acuerdo con lo anterior se reconoce el interés por desarrollar una sistematización de práctica, puesto que se considera pertinente compartir la experiencia vivida y dar a conocer la importancia de generar una idea de negocio que busca no solo brindar un producto para obtener ingresos, sino que también busca crear conciencia ambiental en la sociedad por medio de los procesos de producción, tipo de productos a comercializar y adquisición de materia prima utilizada en los diseños de ICH. Además de ello, se quiere motivar a estudiantes, compañeros, colegas y emprendedores que inician su etapa formativa a elaborar un proceso de prácticas profesionales en la modalidad de emprendimiento que ofrece la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, puesto que no solamente se brinda una tutoría y se facilita el uso de herramientas para la conformación de una idea de negocio, sino que permite adquirir nuevos conocimientos y la implementación de estos, dando la oportunidad de impulsar un proyecto y así poner en marcha una propia empresa identificando la importancia, las diferentes ventajas y obstáculos que se pueden presentar y poder generar un cambio significativo en la sociedad.
The learnings, teachings and obstacles that were obtained within the process of professional practices, were very significant, because the development of each phase of the project acquired experiences in different areas, such as personally, professionally and in the area discipline in which the ICH project was worked, thus influencing the improvement of each one of them and also highlighting the learning generated in future business administrators. It is in accordance with the above that the interest in developing a systematization of practice is recognized, since it is considered pertinent to share the lived experience and publicize the importance of generating a business idea that seeks not only to provide a product and generate income, It also seeks to support, help and create environmental awareness in society through production processes, the type of products to be marketed and the acquisition of raw materials used in ICH products. In addition to this, we want to motivate students, colleagues, colleagues and entrepreneurs who begin their training stage to develop a process of professional practices in the entrepreneurship modality offered by the Minuto de Dios University Corporation, since not only tutoring and the use of tools is facilitated for the conformation of a business idea, but it allows the acquisition of new knowledge and the implementation of these, giving the opportunity to promote a project and thus start up one's own company, identifying the importance, the different advantages and obstacles that may arise and be able to generate a significant change in society.
The learnings, teachings and obstacles that were obtained within the process of professional practices, were very significant, because the development of each phase of the project acquired experiences in different areas, such as personally, professionally and in the area discipline in which the ICH project was worked, thus influencing the improvement of each one of them and also highlighting the learning generated in future business administrators. It is in accordance with the above that the interest in developing a systematization of practice is recognized, since it is considered pertinent to share the lived experience and publicize the importance of generating a business idea that seeks not only to provide a product and generate income, It also seeks to support, help and create environmental awareness in society through production processes, the type of products to be marketed and the acquisition of raw materials used in ICH products. In addition to this, we want to motivate students, colleagues, colleagues and entrepreneurs who begin their training stage to develop a process of professional practices in the entrepreneurship modality offered by the Minuto de Dios University Corporation, since not only tutoring and the use of tools is facilitated for the conformation of a business idea, but it allows the acquisition of new knowledge and the implementation of these, giving the opportunity to promote a project and thus start up one's own company, identifying the importance, the different advantages and obstacles that may arise and be able to generate a significant change in society


Describir la experiencia del proceso de construcción, validación y puesta en marcha del proyecto de emprendimiento ICH desarrollado en Zipaquirá


Emprendimiento, Artículos decorativos, Perfil emprendedor, Marketing, Sostenibilidad, : Entrepreneurship, Decorative items, strategies, marketing, sustainability, SDG, competition, customers, segmentation