Incidencias Cognitivas Conductuales en niños y niñas con ausencia de sus progenitores
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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
El objetivo general de esta monografía planteó, describir los factores cognitivos
conductuales de niños y niñas en edades de cero a cinco años, con ausencia de alguno de los
progenitores. La investigación se desarrolló mediante el análisis cualitativo, de diseño descriptivo.
Los resultados surgen a partir de tres categorías inductivas donde emerge el siguiente análisis:
Algunas de las características que se evidencian en el fenómeno de la ausencia parental son;
primero, con frecuencia los niños no cuentan con condiciones básicas necesarias que proporcionen
bienestar, luego, se manifiestan alteraciones cognitivas en su aprendizaje y afectaciones sociales;
baja adaptación, desajuste emocional. finalmente, surgen otros factores de riesgo que impactan el
desarrollo de los ciclos vitales.
The general objective of this monograph was to describe the cognitive-behavioral factors of children from zero to five years of age, with the absence of one of the parents. The research was developed through qualitative analysis, with a descriptive design. The results emerge from three inductive categories where the following analysis emerges: Some of the characteristics that are evidenced in the phenomenon of parental absence are: children often do not have the basic conditions necessary to provide welfare, then, cognitive alterations are manifested in their learning and social affectations; low adaptation, emotional maladjustment. finally, other risk factors that impact the development of the vital cycles emerge.
The general objective of this monograph was to describe the cognitive-behavioral factors of children from zero to five years of age, with the absence of one of the parents. The research was developed through qualitative analysis, with a descriptive design. The results emerge from three inductive categories where the following analysis emerges: Some of the characteristics that are evidenced in the phenomenon of parental absence are: children often do not have the basic conditions necessary to provide welfare, then, cognitive alterations are manifested in their learning and social affectations; low adaptation, emotional maladjustment. finally, other risk factors that impact the development of the vital cycles emerge.
Describir los factores cognitivos conductuales en niños y niñas en edades de cero a cinco años con ausencia de alguno de los progenitores.
Familia, Cognitivo, Conductual, Ausencia parental, Family, Cognitive, Parental absence