Desarrollo de prototipo de aplicación móvil para el registro de asistencia a eventos de interés General en Uniminuto Vicerrectoría Regional Orinoquía.

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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios




Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia


El Desarrollo de la aplicación busca optimizar el proceso de control de asistencia a eventos, presenciales y virtuales, el usuario realizará un registro en la aplicación el cual le permitirá conocer los eventos institucionales del semestre académico, dando la posibilidad de registrarse como participante.
The development of the application seeks to optimize the process of control of attendance to events, face-to-face and virtual, the user will make a registration in the application which will allow him to know the institutional events of the academic semester, giving the possibility of registering as a participant. During the execution of the event, the participant may indicate that he is present and mark his attendance record, in face-to-face events he would avoid filling out the format provided by the institution for this purpose, which has generated delays in the punctuality of attendees, crowds in the income of the event, paper expenses for the collection of the information and loss of time by the organizers filling out the form and printing, in addition to the end of the event the organizers take the lists and must enter them into the Banner information system, in the case of The institutional events organized by Bienestar have generated traumas in this unit, due to the quantification of teachers, students and administrators in their activities since they do not have enough staff to carry out this work. In the virtual events registration, a form is sent that has the same information as the registration, forcing the user to register a form to register for the event, a form to mark their attendance, what is sought is that this process is optimized to guarantee that both registers have the same information. In response to this problem, it is proposed to develop a mobile and web application for event attendance control, using programming languages such as HTML, Java, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, using the FIREBASE database engine and the Android development environment. Studio.


Desarrollar aplicación móvil para el registro de asistencia a eventos de interés general en UNIMINUTO Vicerrectoría Regional Orinoquia.


Eventos, aplicación, Events, assistance, application, web, programming languages, institutional well-being, institutional well-being