Percepción de los docentes del programa de trabajo social frente a la equidad de género en la educación superior

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Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios




Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia


La presente investigación buscó comprender las percepciones en torno a la equidad de género en la educación superior, desde la mirada de docentes y estudiantes del programa de Trabajo Social en la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, sede Bogotá Calle 80. A partir del punto de vista de cada docente y estudiante se pretendía analizar las concepciones sobre la equidad de género en UNIMINUTO, el reconocimiento de prácticas discriminatorias y cómo se puede llegar a la equidad de género en la educación superior. En la investigación surgió el interés por indagar: ¿cuál es la percepción que profesores y estudiantes pertenecientes al programa de Trabajo Social, tienen frente a la equidad de género en la educación superior? durante el proceso de investigación se realizaron se realizaron ocho entrevistas semiestructuras, con el fin de analizar la equidad de género, a partir de las descripciones y la información brindada por las docentes y estudiantes entrevistadas
This research sought to understand perceptions of gender equity in higher education from the perspective of teachers and students from the Social Work program at the Minuto de Dios University Corporation, located at Bogotá Calle 80. From the point of view of each teacher and student, the aim was to analyze the concepts of gender equity at UNIMINUTO, the recognition of discriminatory practices, and how gender equity can be achieved in higher education. During the research, an interest emerged to investigate: what is the perception that professors and students belonging to the Social Work program have regarding gender equity in higher education? During the research process, eight semi-structured interviews were carried out in order to analyze gender equity, based on the descriptions and information provided by the professors and students interviewed. It also aims to encourage new research on gender, which analyzes gender equity in higher education, considering different points of view and from other emphases that contribute theoretically to the understanding of the subject.This research sought to understand perceptions of gender equity in higher education from the perspective of teachers and students from the Social Work program at the Minuto de Dios University Corporation, located at Bogotá Calle 80. From the point of view of each teacher and student, the aim was to analyze the concepts of gender equity at UNIMINUTO, the recognition of discriminatory practices, and how gender equity can be achieved in higher education. During the research, an interest emerged to investigate: what is the perception that professors and students belonging to the Social Work program have regarding gender equity in higher education? During the research process, eight semi-structured interviews were carried out in order to analyze gender equity, based on the descriptions and information provided by the professors and students interviewed. It also aims to encourage new research on gender, which analyzes gender equity in higher education, considering different points of view and from other emphases that contribute theoretically to the understanding of the subject.


Comprender las percepciones que docentes y estudiantes del programa de Trabajo Social de la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, sede Bogotá Calle 80, tienen en torno a la posibilidad de implementar la equidad de género en la educación superior.


Género, Equidad, Discriminación, Feminismo, Gender, Equity, Discrimination, Feminism
