Ávila Cárdenas, Yeisi PaolaBernal Hernández, Nataly Judith2018-08-272018-08-272016-12-02Ávila, Y. y Bernal, N. (2016). Diagnóstico de las condiciones de seguridad y salud en el trabajo para el personal de las áreas de observación y urgencias de la Clínica Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, regional Villavicencio - Meta 2016. (Trabajo de grado). Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Villavicencio - Colombia.http://hdl.handle.net/10656/6338Elaborar el diagnóstico de las condiciones de seguridad y salud en el trabajo para el personal de las áreas de observación y urgencias de la Clínica Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, regional Villavicencio. Meta 2016.Through the design of the system of management and safety and health at work for the staff of the University Clinic University Cooperative plant, will help to minimize the risks that threaten the health, well-being and quality of life of workers and the efficient use of its financial and material resources. Therefore, it seeks to ensure a healthy and safe environment. In each of its activities within the company, which meets the expectations and needs of customers and workers who provide and require the services. The goal is to make a diagnosis of the current situation, determine the damage and assess the technical and economic feasibility of the system of management of safety and health at work. The methodology is descriptive qualitative and quantitative approach. The qualitative and quantitative approach was applied because it has the following characteristics: he worked on the objective social reality, seeks to explain the objective discovery of causes and laws; interprets situations in their social and cultural contexts generating appropriate theories; They include open and flexible designs.esSaludTrabajoSeguridadTrabajadoresRecursos financierosBienestar laboralDiagnóstico de las condiciones de seguridad y salud en el trabajo para el personal de las áreas de observación y urgencias de la Clínica Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, regional Villavicencio - Meta 2016.ThesisDesarrollo humanoCalidad de vidaCalidad de vida en el trabajoAbierto (Texto completo)