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Attitudes to Conflict Resolution in the English Classroom: An Action Research Study

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dc.contributor.advisor Marin Ceron, Diego
dc.contributor.author Ramirez Ramirez, Cristian David
dc.coverage.spatial Bogotá D.C. es_ES
dc.date.accessioned 2019-10-07T21:18:36Z
dc.date.available 2019-10-07T21:18:36Z
dc.date.issued 2019-05-22
dc.identifier.citation Ramirez R., C. D. (2019). Attitudes to Conflict Resolution in the English Classroom: An Action Research Study. (Trabajo de grado). Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios. Bogotá- Colombia. en_EN
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/10656/7927 en_EN
dc.description To foster the development of conflict resolution skills in a group of tenth graders through a didactic unit and trace its influence on their attitudes to conflicts. en_EN
dc.description.abstract This project was aimed at developing ‘The Peace Lecture’ (Decree 1038 of 2015) in an English class of Las Villas Public School. To do so, the researcher designed a didactic unit to promote the development of conflict resolution skills in five English lessons. The activities of the didactic unit sought to influence the students’ attitudes toward conflict resolution while reinforcing their communicative competence. The impact of those activities was explored through reflections the participants wrote at the end of every lesson. Regarding the type of study chosen, this research was based on a mixed paradigm with an action research approach. The data analysis showed that students tended to have attitudes in favor of peaceful coexistence. Therefore, it can be assumed that the participants developed new compromising attitudes or reinforced previous ones after carrying out the activities of the didactic unit. In other words, students probably became more aware of the existence of alternative responses to everyday conflicts. en_EN
dc.format.extent 141 páginas es_ES
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf en_EN
dc.language.iso en es_ES
dc.publisher Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios es_ES
dc.rights Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia es_ES
dc.rights.uri http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/co/ es_ES
dc.source reponame: Colecciones Digitales Uniminuto es_ES
dc.source instname: Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios es_ES
dc.subject Attitudes es_ES
dc.subject communicative competences es_ES
dc.subject didactic unit es_ES
dc.subject conflict resolution. es_ES
dc.title Attitudes to Conflict Resolution in the English Classroom: An Action Research Study en_EN
dc.title.alternative Attitudes to Conflict Resolution in the English Classroom: An Action Research Study en_EN
dc.type Thesis en_EN
dc.description.abstractenglish This project was aimed at developing ‘The Peace Lecture’ (Decree 1038 of 2015) in an English class of Las Villas Public School. To do so, the researcher designed a didactic unit to promote the development of conflict resolution skills in five English lessons. The activities of the didactic unit sought to influence the students’ attitudes toward conflict resolution while reinforcing their communicative competence. The impact of those activities was explored through reflections the participants wrote at the end of every lesson. Regarding the type of study chosen, this research was based on a mixed paradigm with an action research approach. The data analysis showed that students tended to have attitudes in favor of peaceful coexistence. Therefore, it can be assumed that the participants developed new compromising attitudes or reinforced previous ones after carrying out the activities of the didactic unit. In other words, students probably became more aware of the existence of alternative responses to everyday conflicts. en_EN
dc.subject.lemb Competencias comunicativas es_ES
dc.subject.lemb Resolución de conflictos es_ES
dc.subject.lemb Estudio de investigación es_ES
dc.subject.lemb Pedagogía es_ES
dc.rights.accessrights Open Access es_ES
dc.publisher.department Pregrado (Presencial) es_ES
dc.publisher.program Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras con Énfasis en Inglés es_ES
dc.type.spa Trabajo de Grado es_ES
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