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Estudio de Pre-factibilidad multialojamiento FAC "Comodidad, Bienestar y Confort para su Vida".

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dc.contributor.advisor Garcia, Luisa Fernanda SPA
dc.contributor.author Castañeda Velásquez, José Guillermo SPA
dc.contributor.author Castilla Rodríguez, Wilder Birney SPA
dc.coverage.spatial Girardot (Cundinamarca) SPA
dc.date.accessioned 2017-02-21T21:12:35Z
dc.date.available 2017-02-21T21:12:35Z
dc.date.issued 2014
dc.identifier.citation Castañeda, J & Castilla, W; (2014); Estudio de Pre-factibilidad multialojamiento FAC "Comodidad, Bienestar y Confort para su Vida"; (Trabajo de grado); Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios; Girardot - Colombia SPA
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10656/4498
dc.description Implementar una alternativa de alojamiento que brinde ambientes de comodidad, bienestar y confort, para el personal militar soltero del Comando Aéreo de Combate No. 4, minimizando la necesidad habitacional actual SPA
dc.description.abstract El estudio de Prefactibilidad Multialojamientos FAC, se presenta una la solución para incrementar la capacidad de alojamiento, de manera tal que no afecte los espacios destinados para zonas verdes, zonas de esparcimiento y de relajación, mediante la remodelación y ampliación de manera vertical de los bloques de alojamientos de un solo piso. Proyectándolos en bloques de alojamientos de dos pisos, realizando el respectivo reforzamiento estructural, actualización en sistema de redes hidrosanitarias, eléctricas y arquitectónicas, con lo cual se alarga la vida útil del bien inmueble y dando solución a la situación planteada. SPA
dc.language.iso es SPA
dc.rights.uri http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/co/
dc.subject Alojamiento SPA
dc.subject Sistema de Redes SPA
dc.subject Bienestar SPA
dc.subject Zonas de Esparcimiento SPA
dc.title Estudio de Pre-factibilidad multialojamiento FAC "Comodidad, Bienestar y Confort para su Vida". SPA
dc.type Thesis US
dc.description.abstractenglish Pre feasibility study Multialojamientos FAC, lies in prevention and mitigation in a timely manner, of the housing deficit arising in the areas of personal military Bachelor, the Base air Luis F. Pinto, the Colombian air force, located in the municipality of Melgar, Tolima. Taking into account the housing deficit which military unit is, observe thoroughly the situation which presents this phenomenon, which leads us to analyze two fundamental aspects, the first aspect is based on the characteristics of existing accommodation, likewise resulting in two groups, a group with too old use and construction features, which range from close to 60 years, however this group accommodation is les they have carried out minor maintenance to prevent its normal deterioration by the time of use and construction. on the other hand we find a second group that no such time data have been built with the passing of the years, like its predecessors, presented a construction system, is now obsolete and does not comply with the technical standards of earthquake resistance govern our country. The second aspect is the daily work and the vision of the school of helicopters for the armed forces (EHFAA), It is part of the unit, since it is projected to be the best school in training of military pilots of rotary wing in Latin America, leading to a flow increased aircraft, personal operating and national and international students of different military forces who are admitted to the institution. It is these aspects that the accommodation capacity for personal Bachelor within the military base will be limited, without forgetting the lack of solutions and initiatives that increase the capacity and mitigate this situation. It is so with the Multialojamientos FAC pre-feasibility study, presents a solution to increase the accommodation capacity, in such a way that does not impact the spaces destined for green areas, leisure and relaxation through the remodeling and expansion of single-storey accomodation blocks vertically. Projecting them in blocks of two-story accommodations, making the respective structural reinforcement, update in network plumbing, electrical and architectural, with which lengthens the useful life of the property and giving solution to the situation. US
dc.subject.lemb EDIFICIOS SPA
dc.subject.lemb SALAS DE DESCANSO SPA
dc.subject.lemb DORMITORIOS SPA
dc.subject.lemb CONSTRUCCIONES SPA
dc.publisher.department Posgrado (Virtual y distancia) SPA
dc.publisher.program Especialización en Gerencia de Proyectos SPA
dc.type.spa Trabajo de Grado SPA
dc.source.bibliographicCitation Norma de Sismo Resistencia del 2010 (NSR-10). SPA

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